Extravagant Worship
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty Who Was and Is, and Is to Come…

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Making Life an Offering of Praise
Enter into God's presence with new understanding and excitement when you discover what it means to be an Extravagant Worshiper. Darlene Zschech's passionate love for her Lord leaps from the page to as she inspires, encourages, and instructs worshipers and worship leaders alike.
Extravagant worship is being offered to our King across the planet, increasing in intensity and intimacy—cutting across all denominational barriers and religious preferences.
My heart's quest is that as God's eyes search the earth, He would find me to be an extravagant worshipper. I pray this book not only finds itself in your hands, but that it finds itself planted in your heart. --Darlene Zschech
When church historians reflect on the worship revolution that happened around the turn of the twenty-first century, Darlene Zschech will be credited for playing a major role. --Bill Hybels--Senior Pastor, Willow Creek Community Church
"Everywhere you go around the world, someone, somewhere will be singing one of Darlene's songs. They have touched the church in an incredible way and have become anthems for this generation of revivalists. I know that we can all benefit from reading this book." --Martin Smith, the band, delirious?
"Darlene's passion for the Lord and for worshiping Him is clearly heard through her music and song. Be inspired as you read treasures from the heart of a true worshiper." --Michael W. Smith, Songwriter, author, musical artist
"Psalm 78 tells us that King David shepherded the people of God with 'integrity of heart' and with 'skillful hands.' Extravagant Worship does just the same. In these pages you'll find a wealth of valuable, and, no doubt, costly advice on worship. But more than anything, Darlene teaches from a heart of integrity. Someone who cares deeply about the praises of her God and longs to shepherd the people of God as they bring those praises." --Matt Redman, Worship leader, songwriter, author of The Unquenchable Worshipper