Engaging Your Teen's World

Understanding What Today's Youth Are Thinking, Doing, and Watching

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Rise above Fear to Create True Connection

Netflix and chill, broccoli, and LGBTTQQIAAP+. If you don't know what these words and phrases really mean to your teen, you are not alone. The verbal terrain of today's youth can be difficult to navigate, and sometimes requires a guide--a culture translator to help parents of teens decipher the codes and unlock the doors to an ongoing conversation about faith and life.

Engaging Your Teen's World will teach you how to maintain open communication about everything from relationships to technology and media in order to help teens grow in their faith and successfully deal with difficult issues. The authors bring a wealth of frontline experience, sharing a big-picture view of your teen's world and how to interact with it, followed by more specific information on

· what your teen is thinking, doing, and watching
· wise boundaries with devices, video games, and social media
· conversations about sex, gender, porn, sexting, and vaping
· and much more

Despite the many challenges facing teens and their parents, this frank, insightful, and practical book offers a hopeful view toward the long-term goals of your relationship with your teen and their relationship with the Lord.

David Eaton and Jeremiah Callihan are the cofounders of Axis, a nonprofit that helps more than 200,000 parents and teenagers a month communicate and understand each other at the intersection of tech, pop culture, and the Gospel. Find out more at Axis.org.


"Are you struggling to engage with your kids in an era of smartphones, hectic schedules, and cultural confusion? David Eaton and Jeremiah Callihan are here to help. With great wisdom and a genuine heart for today's teens, they offer keen, biblically based insight that parents will find invaluable."

Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family

"David and Jeremiah understand the next generation. And they are passionate about helping you parent well. So listen to what they have to say! And allow them to serve as your coaches on connecting with teenagers today. Better parenting starts now!"

Brad Lomenick, founder of BLINC and author of The Catalyst Leader and H3 Leadership

"I love this book. Engaging Your Teen's World is a positive, practical, and powerful book. Since it is written by parents and youth culture experts, this book will help you better understand student culture today and equip you to effectively engage the teenagers in your life. I highly recommend it."

Sean McDowell, PhD, associate professor at Biola University, speaker, and coauthor of So the Next Generation Will Know

"Say good-bye to guilt, frustration, and sullen silence. Engaging Your Teen's World is a game changer in understanding your kids and engaging them through curiosity and common sense. David Eaton and Jeremiah Callihan from Axis are trusted 'culture translators' who demystify teen culture with proven, practical advice."

Jeff Myers, PhD, president of Summit Ministries

"In this culture, every parent of teens needs an offensive game plan to guide and protect their teens through one of the most dangerous seasons of their lives. Eaton and Callihan's book will empower you with the vison, courage, and wisdom you need to disciple your sons and daughters to become mature and productive followers of Christ."

Dr. Dennis Rainey, founder of FamilyLife

"This book is full of clarity and practical--really practical--advice. Parents, youth workers, grandparents, and anyone with a teenager in their life would do well to absorb the wisdom here."

John Stonestreet, president of the Colson Center and coauthor of A Practical Guide to Culture

The Authors

  1. David Eaton

    David Eaton

    David Eaton (www.axis.org) cofounded Axis because of his passion to see the good news about Jesus transform students, families, culture, and the world. As President, David collaborates with the Axis team, sharing the vision with friends of Axis and...

    Continue reading about David Eaton

  2. Jeremiah Callihan

    Jeremiah Callihan

    Jeremiah Callihan (www.axis.org) is the CEO and cofounder of Axis, leading the vision, strategy, product development, and execution of the plan to reach as many families as possible with the Gospel. It's Jeremiah's passion to equip caring adults to be the best...

    Continue reading about Jeremiah Callihan

  3. Alan Briggs

    Alan Briggs

    Continue reading about Alan Briggs