Encountering the Living God
Unlocking the Supernatural Realm of Heaven

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Experience His Glory Like Never Before!
God created us with a supernatural capacity to interact with Him. Our genetic code is uniquely wired to sense and know Him. Yet many believers shy away from this experiential knowledge.
Clearing away the confusion, prophetic leader and teacher Venner J. Alston not only gives you a biblical framework for encountering God but also helps you
· understand your supernatural capacity to engage with the living God
· discern the characteristics of true supernatural moments from heaven
· position yourself to experience God in deeper ways
· and more!
God desires all believers to expect and experience encounters with Him--are you ready?
"Out of all of the things that God could have given to us as an inheritance, He gave to us something and someone that is supernatural. The Spirit! In this book Venner Alston gives us not only a revelation of the supernatural but also guidance for how to walk in the manifestation of the supernatural in our lives. Get ready for a God encounter!"
Isaac Pitre, II Kings Global Network; founder, Christ Nations Church; isaacpitre.org
"Dr. Alston issues a timely invitation for you to ascend through the Revelation 4 door to hear, see, and decree what the future holds. Use these Kingdom keys to open the gates and portals to your mind to stoke the fire on the altar of your heart as you enjoy her profound writings."
Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt, president, Breath of the Spirit Ministries Inc.
"Life in the supernatural is an exciting life! Supernatural encounters can also be confusing or even fearful. This book brings clarity out of confusion. Venner Alston reveals wisdom that overpowers evil supernatural encounters. Every God-seeker should read and apply the principles found in this book."
Barbara Wentroble, president, International Breakthrough Ministries; speaker and author