Ecstatic Prophecy

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This can't be the Holy Spirit. Or can it?
Stacey Campbell believed that supernatural experiences had ceased with the early Church. Yet in spite of herself, she was no longer sitting passively in a prayer meeting. She was now shaking, bouncing, speaking in tongues and giving prophetic utterance—overtaken by the Holy Spirit.
The desire to understand this unasked-for experience led Campbell, a respected teacher and leader, on a journey deeper into the heart of God. Here she explores this remarkable gift in which the Holy Spirit takes over a person—body, soul, and spirit. She offers biblical, historical, and modern-day examples; warns about deception; and explains how to grow in this gifting.
"For years I have consistently seen Stacey Campbell walk a life in God that is completely open to the present, tangible power of the Holy Spirit, yet profoundly grounded by a fierce love for the proper exegesis and application of the written Word of God and the lessons of Church history. Stacey does not approach this topic as a casual observer of a current fad, but as a disciplined, humble, tenacious servant striving to hear and obey the voice of the living God."--The Rev. Robert Stearns, executive director, Eagles' Wings, New York/Jerusalem
"Stacy Campbell's book on ecstatic prophecy is very important. Actually, it goes beyond prophecy to ecstatic experience. From Jonathan Edwards to our own day, there have been great defenders of the ecstatic and great detractors. This book will help us make our way through the fog of the debate and provide some solid ground for approaching this important subject."--Daniel Juster, director, Tikkun International
"With truth that penetrates and experience that reveals, Stacey and Wesley Campbell have given us a modern-day treatise on varieties of prophetic expression. Paul the apostle said there are varieties of manifestations, and the grounded teaching contained in this book amplifies that reality. We have needed this book for a long time and it will add weight and credibility to the move of God in our day and in the future."--James W. and Michal Ann Goll, Encounters Network and Compassion Acts; authors, The Seer, The Prophetic Intercessor, Women on the Frontlines series and many more
"Stacey Campbell is not only a dear friend of mine; she is a true friend of God. Ecstatic Prophecy is an excellent manual of solid biblical teaching, prophetic testimonies and nuggets from lives modeling a deeper devotion to God and fruitfulness flowing from intimacy with Him. This book will challenge you to be more fully possessed by His glorious presence. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will completely consume us until we truly walk in the 'greater things' Jesus is calling us to."--Dr. Heidi Baker, founding director, Iris Ministries
"Ecstatic Prophecy is a powerful read that reveals biblical truth and revelatory insight to everyone who believes that that in the last days, the Church will be a prophetic people (see Joel 2:28ff). I highly recommend this book, written by my dear friend and associate Stacey Campbell, who has been used to released the prophetic all over the world."--Dr. Che Ahn, senior pastor, Harvest Rock Church; president and founder, Harvest International Ministry
"I love Stacey Campbell! She is an amazing champion and intimate friend of the Holy Spirit. As a prophet and forerunner, she challenges you to go beyond the ordinary and grasp the extraordinary reality with signs and wonders following. Ecstatic Prophecy is a clarion call and timely book from the arsenal of heaven to mobilize God's army into divine destiny. Stacey masterfully gives great insight into sensitive issues and questions surrounding the gift of ecstatic prophecy. With scriptural clarity, historical evidence, revelation from the Holy Spirit and her own prophetic journey into this unknown vista, Stacey dismantles the stigmas attached to ecstatic prophecy. She also demystifies this often-misunderstood gift of the Holy Spirit by eloquently balancing the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
"She has paid the price many times to embrace this gift, often standing alone and being misunderstood and judged, but this has given Stacey the authority to speak into this area and help sort things out for leaders and laity. As the saying goes, 'A man with experience is not at the mercy of a man with only an argument.' As the winds of adversity blow, it has only caused Stacey's roots to grow deeper into the Lord. That is the bottom line of this book: to know and love Jesus and lead others to Him."--Jill Austin, president and founder, Master Potter Ministries; national and international conference speaker; author, Dancing With Destiny;