Don't Mom Alone
Growing the Relationships You Need to Be the Mom You Want to Be

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"Don't Mom Alone is a vision to do motherhood with your people! It is a practical guide that will help you find those teammates in the exciting mission of mothering."--Jennie Allen, New York Times bestselling author of Get Out of Your Head and founder and visionary of IF:Gathering
Being a good mom isn't about doing everything right--though every mom has felt the pressure to do just that and to do it all on her own. To ask for help along the way feels like defeat. Yet when we try to do it all by our own strength, we end up depleted, lonely, and ineffective.
Heather MacFadyen wants you to know that you are not meant to go it alone. Sharing her hardest, most vulnerable mom moments, she shows how you can be empowered by God, supported by others, and connected with your children. With encouragement and insight, she helps you foster the key relationships you need to be the mom you want to be. In these pages you'll find a compassionate friend who wants the best--not just for your kids but also for you.
"Heather MacFadyen is the mom friend you've been looking for your entire life. This book is a gift from God to us, and I cannot suggest it enough!"--Jess Connolly, author of You Are the Girl for the Job and Breaking Free from Body Shame
"We've never walked through a season where moms feel more exhausted, more defeated, and more isolated than today. This book will help you feel more known, more hopeful, freer to be honest, and certainly less alone."--Sissy Goff, MEd, LPC-MHSP, director of child and adolescent counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries, speaker, and author of Raising Worry-Free Girls
"Motherhood is one of the most rewarding jobs on earth, but it can also be very isolating. Don't Mom Alone is a vision to do motherhood with your people! It is a practical guide that will help you find those teammates in the exciting mission of mothering."
Jennie Allen, New York Times bestselling author of Get Out of Your Head and founder and visionary of IF:Gathering
"Heather MacFadyen is the mom friend you've been looking for your entire life. She's not going to make you feel like you're behind or like you're messing it up--but she's also not going to try to pacify your fears, desires, or vision for your family. She's a kind leader, an amazing writer, and a faithful friend. This book is a gift from God to us and I cannot suggest it enough!"
Jess Connolly, author of You Are the Girl for the Job and Breaking Free from Body Shame
"As a counselor to kids and families for almost three decades, I believe we've never walked through a season where moms feel more exhausted, more defeated, and more isolated than today. For years, I have been deeply grateful for Heather MacFadyen's voice. I've spoken with moms all over the country who have learned and laughed and grown with her through her podcast. I'm so grateful that voice is now in written form. And I'm so grateful for the truth that she shares in the words of her book, Don't Mom Alone. I believe this book will help you feel more known, more hopeful, freer to be honest, and certainly less alone in your courageous and transformative journey as a mom."
Sissy Goff, MEd, LPC-MHSP, director of child and adolescent counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries, speaker, and author of Raising Worry-Free Girls
"Heather is the friend you need in your parenting corner who isn't afraid to join you in the trenches and offer encouragement and hope. Wise, warm, and relatable, Heather will guide you to truth every step of the way. Don't Mom Alone is the book for moms that you want to get for yourself and your best friend!"
Alli Worthington, business coach and bestselling author of Standing Strong
"With deep insight, sympathy, and a healthy dose of humor, Heather puts her finger on the heartbeat of motherhood with grace and wisdom. She leads her readers to breathe in peace as they learn to leave the burden of motherhood in the hands of the One who companions them lovingly through their journey."
Sally Clarkson, bestselling author, host of the At Home with Sally podcast, and mother and best friend of four adult children
"Whether you have a newborn or a couple dozen grown children, every mother needs to read this book. From the priceless freedom found in chapter 1, Heather gently lifts the unnecessary burdens we carry, wraps her arms around our shoulders, and reminds us that we are never alone in this journey of motherhood. With vulnerability and laugh-out-loud humor, Heather shares practical wisdom and insight to help us trade lies for truth and isolation for connection. If you've ever wondered how to find the village that's supposed to help raise your child, this book is the map that will make sure you don't mom alone."
Kat Lee, author of Hello Mornings and founder of
"For as long as I've known Heather, she has been inviting parents into community. An honest, life-giving community that is likely to involve laughter and tears, conversation and challenge, help and hope. This book is an extension of the rich community she has long created. The deeper you get into the pages of this work, the less alone you will feel and the more grace you will begin to extend to yourself. I want both of those things for every parent I spend time with in my counseling practice."
David Thomas, therapist and coauthor of bestsellers Wild Things and Are My Kids on Track?
"Heather's creative energy, grace, challenges, insights, and humanness leap off every page of this journey through real-life parenting. She weaves the bigness of God's grace and the richness of God's truth into everything from a thirty-foot-high bathroom accident at the museum to the grief of losing her father. Through it all, she draws on the wisdom of the Bible and her many mentors (she really doesn't mom alone!) to remind us of truth that connects us to each other, to God, and to our privileged calling as parents. Two thumbs up!"
Lynne and Jim Jackson, cofounders of Connected Families