Do Greater Things
Activating the Kingdom to Heal the Sick and Love the Lost

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A supernatural lifestyle is not for a select few--it's for you!
In these pages Robby Dawkins shares incredible stories of God using ordinary people to do the impossible--things like receiving supernatural words of wisdom and knowledge, prophesying in His name, healing the sick, casting out demons, even raising the dead! Jesus said we would "do greater things than these"--and Robby shows that, when you have faith in the power of God, take Him at His Word and understand His love for you, you will see His power released in healings, miracles of all kinds, and breaking the power of evil.
"This is a must-read for anyone who wants to live a lifestyle like Jesus. I know you'll be transformed as you read it!"--Kris Vallotton, senior leader, Bethel Church, Redding, CA; co-founder, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry
"Robby Dawkins is one of the bravest persons I know. Anyone wanting to be encouraged to witness to the King and His Kingdom should buy and read Do Greater Things."--Randy Clark, D.Min., founder, Global Awakening; overseer, Apostolic Network of Global Awakening
"Robby spurs us on to remember that Jesus said we will do greater things, and it's true! I truly believe you will see God show up."--Heidi Baker, Ph.D., co-founder and CEO, Iris Global
"Robby shares the secrets he's learned that have catapulted him to the level of spiritual authority he is currently walking in. We all need to read this book."--Brian "Head" Welch, co-founder of the rock band Korn; New York Times bestselling author, Save Me from Myself
Robby Dawkins travels the world writing and speaking, crossing denominational lines to equip believers in power evangelism. He has ministered in some of the most dangerous nations on earth and has been featured in numerous documentaries and media outlets. He and his wife, Angie, have six sons. Find out more at
"Do Greater Things is filled with truth and carries power because of the way Robby actually lives out a supernatural lifestyle, walking in signs and wonders in everyday life. It is applicable to every believer, whether you feel called to ministry in the church or to part of a different sphere of influence. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to live a lifestyle like Jesus. I know you'll be transformed as you read it!"
Kris Vallotton, senior leader, Bethel Church, Redding, CA; co-founder, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry
"Robby Dawkins' Do Greater Things invites the reader into a life of the supernatural. Robby is one of the bravest persons I know in the Kingdom of God--a powerful evangelist who thrives on the street. This book will show you how to better flow with the Holy Spirit. Anyone wanting to be encouraged to witness to the King and His Kingdom should buy and read Do Greater Things."
Randy Clark, D.Min., founder, Global Awakening; overseer, Apostolic Network of Global Awakening
"Robby Dawkins shares miracles God did through his own life as well as miraculous healings that occurred when other ordinary people stepped out in faith. Even great men and women of God struggle with fear, but Robby spurs us on to remember that Jesus said we will do greater things--and it's true!"
Heidi Baker, Ph.D., co-founder and CEO, Iris Global
"Robby Dawkins' faith, boldness and fearlessness function at such a high level that it is impossible for heaven not to respond. In Do Greater Things, Robby shares the secrets he has learned that have catapulted him to the level of spiritual authority he is currently walking in. We all need to read this book."
Brian "Head" Welch, co-founder of the rock band Korn; New York Times bestselling author, Save Me from Myself
"Robby Dawkins makes what seems complicated simple. His stories inspire you to get out and give it a try. His humility frees you to get back up and do it again. His boldness releases faith in you for miracles. His joy unlocks you for fun in the midst of the fight. Most of all, his witness invites you to live the greater things today!"
Danielle Strickland, author, speaker, advocate
"Some people loom larger than life and others appear down-to-earth. My friend Robby Dawkins and his book Do Greater Things have the unique ability to do both, while inviting us into a life elevated. This book inspires you with stories, instructs you with Scripture and invites you into an authentic life of doing greater things."
Bob Hazlett, author, God's Sound in a Raging World;
"There are certain individuals who with their life and boldness for God actually draw a line in the sand for every believer. I so appreciate the life of Robby, and his new book Do Greater Things provokes me not to settle for nominal living but rather to step into what Jesus instructed to anyone who follows Him. Be ready to be challenged and inspired to leave your comfort zone."
Eric Johnson, senior pastor, Bethel Redding
"Seventy years ago in 1947 a healing revival broke out with signs and wonders that had not been seen since Acts 2, when the age of the Apostles exploded in the earth. Now once again that great wave is beginning to crest. Robby Dawkins has been a pioneer of this fresh wave--moving in words of knowledge and miraculous healings. This book will train, inspire and create faith so that you too can step into this great wave that will fill and heal the nations."
Lou Engle, co-founder, TheCall