Discipline That Connects With Your Child's Heart
Building Faith, Wisdom, and Character in the Messes of Daily Life

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You Can Connect With Your Child's Heart Through Discipline
Parents want to raise respectful, responsible, and faith-filled kids. But when kids misbehave, parents often feel lost and confused, and don't realize that their discipline can make things worse in the long run.
Jim and Lynne Jackson, founders of Connected Families, teach four powerful principles for discipline that shape both behavior and your kids' hearts. You'll learn to communicate--even when your kids are at their worst--that they are safe with you, loved no matter what, capable of wise choices, and responsible to make right the things they've made wrong. As you impart these messages, you'll create strong relationships, build lasting wisdom and character, and bring God's grace to life in your home!
"Parents have no joy and carry no burden like the well-being of their children. The Jacksons seek to place wisdom, love, and grace at the core of the family."
John Ortberg, senior pastor, Menlo Church; author, All the Places to Go
"This book is filled with real-life, practical advice that will transform the way you discipline your kids. I highly recommend it!"
Kristen Welch, bestselling author, Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World