Confronting the Thief
Take Back What the Enemy Stole and Declare Divine Recovery over Your Heart, Family, and Life

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Recover All the Enemy Has Stolen
We've all felt the gut-wrenching helplessness of loss when the enemy has stolen something from us: finances, health, peace, a promise or opportunity, even family and friends. Yet even in the most hopeless of situations, you can go from victim to victor.
With uplifting teaching and piercing prophetic insight, Jane Hamon outlines the enemy's tactics to steal, kill, and destroy--and imparts biblical revelation, practical decrees, and prayers to
· take authority over the thief
· experience full restoration
· live in supernatural provision, prosperity, and power
· possess your prophetic promises
· receive a double portion of all you lost
Jesus came to bring life to the fullest. It's time to contend against the enemy's death and destruction, arise in strength and wisdom, and recover all he's stolen from you.
"My dear friend Jane Hamon has delivered a very powerful must-read! This book will stir you out of passivity and move you into action. Jane shares divine strategies from heaven that will enable you to take back all that the enemy has stolen in every area of your life."
Nancy Alcorn, founder and president, Mercy Multiplied
"Confronting the Thief is a beacon of hope, offering deep insights into reclaiming what's ours from the enemy. Her mastery in unveiling scriptural mysteries empowers us to embrace our divine heritage fully. A truly transformative read, it's essential for anyone seeking to walk in God's fullness. This book is an essential read for anyone eager to confront and overpower the enemy."
Tomi Arayomi, apostle; founder, RIG Nation
"Jane Hamon sagaciously helps us navigate into a place of divine recovery. God desires for us all to experience abundance in every area of life. However, there is an enemy arrayed against our peace and prosperity. This book is a dispensary of prophetic wisdom that will help you overcome the purloining ways of the enemy and supernaturally regain what has been stolen from you."
Demontae A. Edmonds, author, The Supernatural Dimension of Dreams and Discerning of Spirits
"On many occasions in my journey, a book, a song, a story, a truth, or a person entered my life just when I was ready for the message accompanying it. I often experience this when listening to my friend Jane Hamon's ministry. She utters a simple truth underscored by Holy Spirit insight, and my response is, 'Aha!' Confronting the Thief is such a timely and needed now word."
Bishop Joseph L. Garlington, founding pastor, Covenant Church of Pittsburgh; presiding bishop, Reconciliation Ministries International
"Confronting the Thief is a timely, strategic, prophetic message--a now word! The army is rising to confront and conquer the schemes of Satan. Divine recovery is your Kingdom of heaven inheritance. Be empowered to decree victoriously to take back all the enemy and his army of darkness have stolen."
Rebecca Greenwood, cofounder, Christian Harvest International and Strategic Prayer Apostolic Network
"If ever there was a book for this hour, it is this one! Confronting the Thief is a revelatory work that will release answers to many of your life's challenges. Jane Hamon has hit the nail on the proverbial head in uncovering strongholds that hold back our individual prosperity, health, and well-being. I have never read anything like it! Her research to back the wisdom on demonic strongholds that are stealing from our well-being and that of our family, communities, and nation is impressive. She presents real historical studies, not sketchy assertions. Prepare to be set free from long-standing problems and pain! I know you will be thrilled with the results!"
Cindy Jacobs, Generals International
"Jesus clearly taught, 'The thief comes . . . to steal and kill and destroy' (John 10:10 niv). Jane Hamon not only brilliantly teaches how the enemy comes but will help you accurately discern him, overcome him, and make him sorry he ever tried! I love Jane Hamon and I love this book! It is timely. It is needed. It is for you!"
Patricia King, minister, author, media producer, and host;
"What a faith-building, strategy-equipping book! Apostle Jane Hamon has masterfully taught us how to identify and confront the thief and recover everything that has been stolen, lost, or hidden. From our purpose to our prosperity to our passion and more, she develops through Scriptures, decrees, and true-life examples what it takes to develop a resolve to deny and dismantle the lie that 'this is just life.'"
Kim Owens, pastor and revivalist; author, Doorkeepers of Revival and Just to Make Religion Mad
"My friend Jane Hamon has written a revelatory, relatable, transformative, insightful, and practical book filled with a depth and anointing that only comes through years of prayer, study, and experience. It is excellent. Every chapter, every word is valuable. It is a book I will refer to often, a true guidebook to taking back what is rightfully ours. I highly, highly recommend it."
Tim Sheets, apostle; author, Angel Armies, Planting the Heavens, Come Home, and more; pastor, Oasis Church