Confident Parenting

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Be the Parent Your Family Needs
If we are truly honest, most of us don't really know what we're doing as parents. We have good intentions, but daily frustrations and ongoing struggles might be evidence that we were better prepared to drive a car or pursue our career than raise children.
To counter the usual trial-and-error method of parenting, Jim Burns offers time-tested advice and strategies for today's busy families. Infused with his signature candidness and practicality, each chapter explores a different aspect of parenting--from breaking generational chains of dysfunction and creating a warm atmosphere at home to handling discipline issues and blessing your children with a legacy of faith. Helpful follow-up exercises and questions along the way reinforce the basics of good parenting and provide a foundation for developing your own family plan.
You won't find any quick fixes here, but you will learn how to make a positive difference in your family.
"Jim Burns is a trustworthy voice on family issues; always practical, insightful, and biblical. Parent, Jim has a good message for this great mission."
--Max Lucado, minister and bestselling author
"Parents, we need this special book. In the face of a busy life and active kids, so many of us are just trying to survive! We essentially practice just-try-to-keep-up parenting or even default-to-old-habits parenting, and never really get out in front of the process. But in these pages, Jim Burns gives us exactly the encouragement and tools we need to put the words confident and parenting together."
--Shaunti Feldhahn, bestselling author of the For Women Only series
"Parents have read the statistics related to drugs, depression, and violence among children and they are afraid. For the concerned parent, here is a book that focuses on answers.... Confident Parenting is practical, biblical, and genuinely helpful. I highly recommend it."
--Gary D. Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages and The Five Languages of Apology
"If you're like us, with little ones at home, you're looking for a boost of confidence in the parenting department. Jim Burns is just the guy to supply it in this terrific book. We can't imagine a parent on the planet who wouldn't be encouraged by his practical message. It's no-nonsense, grace-based, and thoroughly grounded."
--Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, founders of and authors of The Parent You Want to Be
"Jim Burns has done it again. This book is both realistic and practical. Jim asks whether the phrase confident parenting is an oxymoron. It will be less so when you've read the book."
--John Ortberg, pastor and author, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church
"This is a terrific book. It affirmed some of my parenting, and yet I didn't feel condemned for the ways in which I failed.... Even now, I can apply the transferable concepts to my grandmothering, and I will buy each of my children a copy of this book. I highly recommend it to you."
--Ruth Graham, author of In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart
"What a refreshing and encouraging book this is.... Many couples today see raising kids as a daunting task. And it is! But I can assure them that the principles outlined in Confident Parenting are as solid as they come and can go a long way to helping them build a healthy and happy family life."
--Dr. Archibald D. Hart, Senior Professor of Psychology and Dean Emeritus, Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary
"Jim Burns teaches us that we can either recover from our family's past or repeat it. His message is filled with hope and healing. I highly recommend Confident Parenting if you want to be a healthy and happy family."
--Dr. Kevin Leman, parenting and marriage expert and author of Making Children Mind without Losing Yours
"Molding and shaping our children into image-bearers of God is a parent's greatest challenge, but Jim's sage advice in Confident Parenting will help you accomplish this lofty goal with grace."
--Shannon Ethridge, MA, bestselling author of the Every Woman's Battle series
"Now you can benefit from Jim Burns's years of experience in helping families succeed! We wholeheartedly believe the principles in this book will be a great help to you and your family. This just may be his most significant work yet."
--David and Claudia Arp, authors of 10 Great Dates and Suddenly They're 13!
"It's not easy raising kids in today's ever-changing culture. Jim Burns has written a compelling book to help parents know how to develop a positive, practical foundation to help their kids stay on the right path. I believe in Jim and this message."
--Josh D. McDowell, author and speaker
"Parenting a God-honoring family is the hardest and most challenging adventure of our lives. In Confident Parenting Jim walks alongside us in that challenge, counseling us with the warmth of someone in the midst of the same adventure."
--Doug Fields, youth pastor, Saddleback Church, and author of Purpose Driven Youth Ministry
"This book is refreshing and incredibly practical. Jim Burns gives you the tools not only to improve your own life but change your family from generation to generation."
--Ginger Kolbaba, editor of Marriage Partnership Magazine and author of Surprised by Remarriage
"Jim Burns is the real deal, and Confident Parenting is a resource that every children's and youth pastor needs to read--then recommend to all parents. It's time to reinforce the value of family and to encourage, challenge, and equip the ones who have the most influence on the lives of our youth: moms and dads."
--Bo Boshers, Student Ministries Executive Director, Willow Creek Association
"Jim has focused on two of the most important ingredients of successful parenting: purpose and intentionality. He shows us some great things to be purposeful about, and then calls us to be very proactive and intentional about doing those things. This is a very helpful guide for all parents."
--Henry Cloud, PhD, coauthor of Boundaries with Kids