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Christlike Acceptance across Deep Difference

Constructive Conversations on Sexuality and Gender

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Has your faith community been torn apart over sexuality and gender? While affirming and traditionalist Christians wage culture wars, many believers have left the church entirely because of disputes over how best to respond to LGBTQ people.

Ronald Pierce and Karen Keen show readers a different way to approach the controversy. In Christlike Acceptance across Deep Difference, they bring together a broad range of contributors--scholarly and pastoral; affirming and traditionalist; evangelical, mainline, and Catholic--who demonstrate a more constructive response to LGBTQ concerns. Despite their differences, the contributors unite in their commitment to biblical authority and Christlike love of neighbor. They invite the church to join them in this new and better way.

This book offers fresh readings of Scripture, models of respectful dialogue, and first-person insights into ministering to LGBTQ people. Perfect for pastors, church leaders, and any Christian worried about polarization, this timely volume shows readers how to forge a future shaped by Christlike acceptance.

Introduction: Healing Our Divisions Ronald W. Pierce and Karen R. Keen
Part 1: Biblical Wisdom beyond the Debate
1. Christlike Acceptance and Queer Christians: Romans 14:1-15:13 Ronald W. Pierce
2. Genesis, Discernment, and God's Will Karen R. Keen
3. From Eunuchs to LGBTQ Christians: Navigating Theodicy, Inclusion, and Holiness David Bennett
4. The Good News of Romans 1 J. R. Daniel Kirk
5. Excluded from God's Kingdom? (1 Cor. 6:9-10): How to Think about the Threat of Divine Judgment Wesley Hill
Part 2: Successfully Navigating Divides
6. Navigating Conflict in Community Tim Otto
7. Speaking Truth in Love: Preparing the Heart to Engage Tim Muehlhoff
8. Grace across the Divide: Tips for Christ-Honoring Dialogue Justin Lee
9. Loving through Difference: Navigating Side A/B Friendship Steven Lympus and Taylor Telford
10. Is There Space at the Table in a Non-Affirming Church? Brad Harper
Part 3: Ministry with LGBTQ People, Families, and Friends
11. A Shared Pilgrimage Eve Tushnet
12. Courage Is Ministry Sally Gary
13. What We Learned from Listening to Sexual and Gender Minorities Mark A. Yarhouse, Stephen P. Stratton, and Janet B. Dean
14. Evangelism and the LGBTQ Community Elizabeth Delgado Black
15. Black LGBTQ Ministry Candace E. Hardnett
16. Cultivating a Shepherd's Heart for the Transgender Community Amie Scott
17. Supporting Parents of LGBTQ Children Staci Frenes
18. Christlike Acceptance in Practice: Moving from Enmity to Integrity Marcus George Halley

The Authors

  1. Ronald W. Pierce
    Jake Floch

    Ronald W. Pierce

    Ronald W. Pierce (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) taught theology at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, for over forty years. He is the author of Partners in Marriage and Ministry and the coeditor of Discovering Biblical Equality.

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  2. Karen R. Keen

    Karen R. Keen

    Karen R. Keen (ThM, Duke Divinity School) is a biblical scholar and spiritual care provider at the Redwood Center for Spiritual Care and Education. Her books include Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships and The Word of a...

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