Celebrating Biblical Feasts
In Your Home or Church

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Celebrate the Same Traditions and Holidays as Jesus!
As you and your family participate in these rich celebrations that were important to Jesus, you will come to understand their significance for Christians and discover the powerful spiritual truths they offer us today. Easy-to-follow instructions and detailed lists materials are included for each observance.
Recreate the seven celebrations in your church or home: The Sabbath, the Passover, The Feast of First-fruits, The Feast of Pentecost, The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, and The Feast of Tabernacles.
More than 75,000 copies of the original edition have been sold!
"Martha Zimmerman connects us with our Jewish heritage and revives our participation in the same celebrative meals that Jesus ate and enjoyed. Thanks to her enthusiastic recovery of these old menus and their stories, meals may well come to take their place alongside sermons and Bible studies as ways to welcome Jesus into your life."--Eugene H. Peterson, The Message; Professor Emeritus of Spiritual Theology, Regent College
"This book is important reading for anyone who values the Old Testament as the Word of God. Martha Zimmerman writes with love, charm, and wit and shows you God's redemption and how the Almighty works in a way that Christians seldom see. You'll love God more and better appreciate His ways for reading Celebrating Biblical Feasts."--Moishe Rosen, Founder, Jews for Jesus