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Behind the Scenes of the New Testament

Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts

series: Behind the Scenes of the Bible

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Southwestern Journal of Theology 2024 Book Award (Biblical Reference / Biblical Backgrounds)

This authoritative volume brings together a team of world-class scholars to cover the full range of New Testament backgrounds in a concise, up-to-date, and comprehensive manner.

Drawing on the expertise of specialists in the areas of archaeological, historical, and biblical studies, this book provides concise treatments of a wide breadth of topics related to the world of the early Christ followers. The book offers compact overviews of key historical issues, facilitating enriched understandings of the significance and force of the texts of the New Testament in their original contexts.

Meant to be used alongside traditional surveys, this one-stop introduction to New Testament backgrounds fills a gap in typical introduction to the Bible courses and is ideal for undergraduate or seminary classes. It is beautifully designed and includes photographs, line drawings, maps, charts, and tables, which will facilitate its use in the classroom.

Part 1: Setting the Stage
I. Symbolic Worlds
1. Judaism Matthew V. Novenson
2. Hellenization Carl R. Holladay
3. Apocalyptic Thought John J. Collins
4. Greek and Roman Philosophical Schools Te-Li Lau
II. Places
5. Jerusalem, Judean Uprising, Temple Destruction Steve Mason
6. Territories of Roman Palestine Jürgen Zangenberg
7. Urban Centers of the Roman World Jan Rüggemeier
8. The Decapolis Roy Ciampa
9. The Synagogue in the Time of Jesus and the New Testament Eric M. Meyers
10. Temples Timothy Wardle
11. Greco-Roman Material Culture David W. J. Gill
12. Houses and Meeting Places Richard Last
Part 2: Inhabiting the Stage
I. Scripts
13. The Septuagint and the Transmission of Jewish Scriptures Kristin De Troyer
14. Qumran and the Context of the New Testament Matthew A. Collins
15. Historiography Loveday Alexander
16. Ancient Biography and the Gospels Helen K. Bond
17. The Parables of Jesus Klyne R. Snodgrass
18. Letters and Letter Writing Joshua W. Jipp
19. Poetic and Hymnic Material in the New Testament Andrew T. Cowan and Jennifer Strawbridge
20. Practices of Interpretation Susan Docherty
21. Reading Strategies in the Greco-Roman World Maren R. Niehoff
II. Actors
22. The Herodian Dynasty Morten Hørning Jensen
23. Messiahs and Revolutionaries Max Botner
24. Judean Social Classes Benjamin D. Gordon
25. Itinerant Religious Experts Heidi Wendt
26. Gentiles in Judean Eyes Hannah K. Harrington
27. Judeans in Gentile Eyes Paul Trebilco
28. Samaritans Magnar Kartveit
29. Women in the Ancient Mediterranean World Susan E. Benton
30. Masculinities Peter-Ben Smit
31. Disabled Bodies Louise J. Lawrence
Part 3: Themes on the Stage
I. Divine Society
32. Theos and Theology T. J. Lang
33. Cosmology Jamie Davies
34. Eschatologies and the Afterlife Thomas D. McGlothlin
35. Angels and Demons Robert E. Moses
36. Prophecy, Divination, Oracles, and Dreams Jill E. Marshall
37. Magic, Medicine, and Miracles Jennifer Eyl
38. Purity and Holiness Matthew Thiessen
39. Festivals and Feasts Gary M. Burge
40. Imperial Devotion Adam Winn
41. Persecution, Suffering, and Martyrdom Dorothea H. Bertschmann
42. Mystery Cults Jan N. Bremmer
43. Moral Transformation and Ethics Max J. Lee
44. Sacrifice David M. Moffitt
II. Human Society
45. The Roman Empire Sylvia C. Keesmaat
46. Roman Law and Citizenship J. Brian Tucker
47. Greco-Roman Associations Jin Hwan Lee
48. Wealth and Poverty MiJa Wi
49. Gift-Giving John M. G. Barclay
50. Alms for the Poor Nathan Eubank
51. Hospitality Andrew E. Arterbury
52. Meals and Symposia Paul B. Duff
53. Coins and Culture David H. Wenkel
54. Race and Ethnicity Eric D. Barreto
III. The Household
55. Household Structure Judith M. Gundry
56. Sexuality William Loader
57. Marriage and Divorce Alicia D. Myers
58. Widows Timothy J. Murray
59. Household Worship Caroline Johnson Hodge
60. Slavery Katherine A. Shaner
61. Literacy and Education Teresa Morgan
62. Death and Burial Practices Daniel L. Smith and William L. Potter


"It is difficult to imagine a more helpful guide to the world of the New Testament than this collection of accessible essays by world-class experts. Whether used as a main text, a supplemental text, a reference book, or a resource for research, this volume should be in the hands of everyone who studies the New Testament, from serious beginners to scholars."

Michael J. Gorman, Raymond E. Brown Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, St. Mary's Seminary & University

"Readers of the New Testament often bring an earnest piety to the act of interpretation, but without respect for the moment in which God chose to issue that communication, piety alone can lead one astray. This volume protects against that kind of misinterpretation. Comprehensive in the subjects covered, Behind the Scenes of the New Testament features deeply respected and exciting scholars who equip biblical interpreters with the cultural wisdom to read well. The chapters and bibliographies are succinct and rich, ensuring that they will be read and will propel readers to go deeper. This book will inspire the joy of discovering the world of the New Testament, transforming naive piety into incarnational faith."

Amy Peeler, Kenneth T. Wessner Chair of Biblical Studies, Wheaton College

"Behind the Scenes of the New Testament is a must-have resource for students, pastors, scholars, and teachers wanting to study the New Testament texts in light of their ancient contexts. Each of the well-researched, accessible essays illuminates historical and cultural dimensions of the New Testament world. Readers will gain insight on how to connect these dimensions to their interpretation of the New Testament. They will also come to appreciate how historically informed readings of the Bible can lead to more faithful readings."

Janette H. Ok, Fuller Theological Seminary

"Behind the Scenes of the New Testament is a masterful collection of pertinent, interesting essays that illuminate the Greco-Roman world and the New Testament texts' engagement with it. Richly detailed and brilliantly written, each essay provides the latest research on its topic. Scholars and students alike will discover insightful gems in the vast array of subjects covered. This volume should be used by every New Testament introduction course."

Lynn H. Cohick, Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Houston Christian University

"Students of early Christianity require a strong familiarity with the wealth of historical, philosophical, social, and political material that informed the writers of the New Testament. To that end, Behind the Scenes of the New Testament comprehensively covers a breadth of material drawn from the cultural encyclopedia of the era. The editors and the contributors they have gathered for this impressive project are deserving of praise. Going forward, I will definitely use this volume with my students!"

Christopher W. Skinner, professor of New Testament and early Christianity, Loyola University Chicago

"In this comprehensive compendium, the editors of Behind the Scenes of the New Testament have gathered an impressive array of scholars with expertise in the historical and cultural milieu of the New Testament. By situating the New Testament's key settings, actors, themes, and 'scripts' within their original contexts, each essay illustrates the importance of historical study for the task of interpretation. Scholarly yet accessible, this volume will prove to be an invaluable resource for students and academics alike for many years to come."

Brittany E. Wilson, associate professor of New Testament, Duke Divinity School

The Authors

  1. Bruce W. Longenecker

    Bruce W. Longenecker

    Bruce W. Longenecker (PhD, University of Durham) is the W. W. Melton Chair of Religion at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.

    Continue reading about Bruce W. Longenecker

  2. Elizabeth E. Shively

    Elizabeth E. Shively

    Elizabeth Shively (PhD, Emory University) is professor of Christian Scriptures at Truett Seminary, Baylor University, in Waco, Texas.

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  3. T. J. Lang

    T. J. Lang

    T. J. Lang (PhD, Duke University) is senior lecturer in New Testament studies and codirector of the Institute for Bible, Theology, and Hermeneutics at the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.

    Continue reading about T. J. Lang


Southwestern Journal of Theology 2024 Book Award (Biblical Reference / Biblical Backgrounds)