Bedside Manners, Revised Edition
A Practical Guide to Visiting the Ill

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Do your palms sweat when you walk into a hospital to visit a critically ill friend? Do you want to visit your uncle in the nursing home but are unsure of what to say? Do you know someone with a terminal illness and feel helpless to comfort him or her?
You're not alone.
Illness is a spiritual, emotional, and physical crisis. As a trained hospital counselor, Katie Maxwell knows that visitation takes practice and patience. She also knows the mistakes even a well-intentioned visitor can make and has made a few herself. In Bedside Manners, Maxwell offers valuable insight into visitation, whether it be in hospitals, nursing homes, or the homes of shut-ins. Writing from personal experience and drawing from appropriate Scripture references and various resources, Maxwell teaches you how to be open, compassionate, empathetic, and sensitive to a patient's needs and conditions.
Whether you're a pastor or counselor who is at a loss when encountering a critically ill person or just a friend seeking some intelligent advice, Bedside Manners will give you the encouragement you need to comfort the sick.