Anointed for Business

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Every Business Is God's Business
The notion that labor for profit and worship of God are now, and always have been, worlds apart, is patently false. The Early Church founders were mostly community leaders and highly successful businesspeople. The writing of the Gospels was entrusted to Luke, a medical doctor; Matthew, a retired tax collector; Mark, the manager of a family trust; and John, a food supplier. Lydia was "a dealer in purple cloth." Dorcas was a clothes designer. In this expanded version of the bestselling Anointed for Business, Ed Silvoso focuses on the heart of our cities, which is the marketplace. Yet the perceived wall between commercial pursuit and service to God continues to be a barrier to advancing His kingdom. Silvoso shows Christians how to knock down that wall--and participate in an unparalleled marketplace transformation. Only then can we see God's kingdom invade every corner of our world. Readers will appreciate Silvoso's passionate call to men and women in the workplace to rise to their God-appointed positions.
The included study guide will enable the reader to put these revolutionary concepts into action.
Ed Silvoso provides many fresh insights and applications not expressed in other faith-at-work resources. I found it biblically sound with many practical applications. Every Christian in the workplace should read Anointed for Business.
Os Hillman, president, Marketplace Leaders and International Coalition of Workplace Ministries; author, The 9 to 5 Window
I believe that societal transformation is high on God's agenda for this generation, and that the chief catalytic force to bring it about will be Christian believers ministering in the marketplace. Ed Silvoso shows more clearly than anyone else how you and I can help make this happen.
C. Peter Wagner, chancellor, Wagner Leadership Institute
What a terrific book! I believe that a carpenter, an accountant or a president is just as much a minister as a TV evangelist, and that his life and business practice are his most effective sermon. My thanks to Ed Silvoso.
Pat Boone, entertainer
Anointed for Business is a revelation that could uncover the resources to finance this last-day move of God. God has anointed people in the Body of Christ to be successful in the marketplace. This book will help you discover if you're one of them.
Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin, The Potter's House, Jacksonville, Florida