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That is the question that plagues us all when affliction comes--as it must to each of us in each of our lives. In Affliction, Edith Scaeffer comes directly to grips with this eternal question.
Sometimes we can know the answer; more often we cannot. What we can know is that God is with us, sustaining and strengthening us to bear what must be borne. It is not that affliction comes from God. Rather, he uses it to help us grow in faith, to make us sensitive to the pain of others, and to teach us to trust in him alone. We learn how to be patient and comfort others as God comforts us.
This book will open your heart to the ways of God with his people. Edith Scaeffer brings light from biblical truth and shares her own experiences as well as those of others. She does not offer easy answers, but shows you a way to find answers for yourself.