Access and Release God's Peace
From Chaos and Confusion to Freedom and Power
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493420469
- Pub. Date
- Aug 2019
- $17.00
Find the Power of God's Peace in Your Fiercest Storm
During one of the most painful and fragile points of his life--after his dreams as a young husband and dad took a nose dive--Paul Martini was feeling depressed and hopeless. Desperate for answers, he let God begin to teach him about the power of living a life of peace.
In his uplifting and encouraging first book, this Global Awakening leader uncovers biblical secrets, illustrated by powerful first-person stories, that will sustain you through your own toughest challenges. Here you will discover the life-changing message that
· peace is a Person
· peace is a position
· peace is protection
· peace is powerful
· and more!
"This is Paul's life message. I highly recommend both the man and his message."--Bill Johnson, senior leader, Bethel Church, Redding, California; author, The Way of Life and Raising Giant-Killers
"An anointed book from an anointed man of God."--Robby Dawkins, film documentary subject; bestselling author, Do What Jesus Did; international conference speaker
Paul Martini, director of events and associate evangelist with Global Awakening, travels the world extensively, training, teaching and imparting the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He is a 2011 graduate of Global School of Supernatural Ministry and is currently obtaining his master's of theology from Global Awakening Theological Seminary. Paul and his wife, Ruth, have six children and live in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.
"Access and Release God's Peace couldn't have come at a better time. Chaos and division are grappling for air space. Yet the Prince of Peace has already triumphed over every enemy we have. His peace dismantles the power and authority behind chaos. In doing so, it releases the Kingdom of God, enabling us to walk in the victory of Christ. This really is Paul Martini's life message. I highly recommend both the man and his message."
Bill Johnson, senior leader, Bethel Church, Redding, California; author, The Way of Life and Raising Giant-Killers
"Access and Release God's Peace by Paul Martini is a must read. God's Kingdom is commonly referred to as upside down. If that is true, then this peace that Jesus gives is a weapon of mass destruction against Satan and all his intentions. Paul perfectly communicates this and the power of ministering that peace of Christ and the impact it releases. It's an anointed book from an anointed man of God."
Robby Dawkins, film documentary subject, bestselling author and international conference speaker
"This book is a solid journey into brilliant facets of peace. It is carrying an impartation to experience the God of Peace, through courageous personal narrative, biblical truths and inspiring stories. I believe this book will be a catalyst for many people in pursuit of wholeness! I highly recommend it!"
Katie Luse, director, ConnectUp
"Paul has found unique grace keys to transforming futility and sorrow into peace and hope! It has been my delight to know him both as his pastor and as a receiver of the light he transmits. God's powerful peace is the antidote for offense, depression and despair. Read this book with expectation!"
Charles Stock, senior leader, Life Center Ministries International
"Jesus tells us that if we truly love Him, then we'll obey Him. The Great Commission is not the Great Suggestion. It's my belief that without the peace of God, it's impossible to fulfill the Great Commission. Paul Martini is God's man to write this book. I'm excited for you to receive an impartation of peace as you read, and I know you will be strengthened to exercise that which crushes Satan under our feet. Paul will teach you not only how to possess peace, but how to weaponize peace and take back what the thief stole in the Garden."
Richie Seltzer, evangelist, Revivalist Culture