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A Theology of Authority

Rethinking Leadership in the Church

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Is authority reserved for those with a specific calling to leadership? Who holds power in the church? Does authority have limits? Are teaching and preaching the most important practices of authority?

Our understanding--and misunderstanding--of authority has significant implications for our individual and corporate flourishing. In A Theology of Authority, Christa McKirland challenges our assumptions about authority, power, and leadership. With a focus on low-church traditions, she examines authority through the lens of analytic philosophy and biblical theology to offer a theological definition of authority. She also tackles questions related to divine and human authority, Scripture, and practices typically related to ordination: preaching, teaching, serving communion, baptizing, church discipline, and vision casting.

A Theology of Authority
expands our understanding of authority, recognizing the Spirit's enablement of each member to fulfil their calling to spiritual maturity. Readers will gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of authority and power and how we relate to one another as siblings in Christ.

The Author

  1. Christa L. McKirland
    Eleanore Stenner

    Christa L. McKirland

    Christa L. McKirland (PhD, University of St. Andrews) is dean of faculty and lecturer in systematic theology at Carey Baptist College in Aotearoa (New Zealand). She focuses especially on theological anthropology and is the author God's Provision,...

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