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A Basic Guide to Biblical Theology

Nine Themes That Unite the Old and New Testaments

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Serious students of the Bible quickly discover the diversity that stems from the human origins of Scripture, such as different authors writing in different times, places, genres, and languages. Written by an expert in biblical theology, this short, accessible book helps readers understand the unity that springs from the divine authorship of Scripture and how the whole Bible fits together.

Alan Thompson enables readers to see the big picture of the Bible by unpacking nine key themes that unite the Testaments and hold the Bible together: creation, covenant, the exodus, law and wisdom, sacrifice, kingship, the prophetic hope, the kingdom of God, and the final holy city. A Basic Guide to Biblical Theology helps readers read the Old Testament in light of the New Testament and the New Testament in light of the Old Testament.

This book provides an introductory framework for the big themes of biblical theology, preparing readers for a lifetime of Bible study. It will appeal to anyone who wants to understand how the Bible fits together, including students, pastors, church leaders, and laypeople.

The Author

  1. Alan J. Thompson

    Alan J. Thompson

    Alan J. Thompson (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is head of the New Testament department and senior lecturer in New Testament at Sydney Missionary and Bible College of the Australian University of Theology. He is the author of One Lord, One...

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