18 Minutes with Jesus
Straight Talk from the Savior about the Things That Matter Most
- Format
- Hardcover
- 9781540900487
- Dimensions
- 5.5 x 8.5
- Pub. Date
- Oct 2022
- $26.99
- Carton Quantity
- 34
- Number of pages
- 240
- Format
- Paperback
- 9781540902429
- Dimensions
- 6 x 9
- Pub. Date
- Oct 2022
- $12.99
- Carton Quantity
- 60
- Number of pages
- 96
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493437726
- Pub. Date
- Oct 2022
- $26.99
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493437818
- Pub. Date
- Oct 2022
- $12.99

Where to Purchase
Did you know you can read Jesus's Sermon on the Mount in about eighteen minutes? Yet packed into this short talk are more life-changing and startlingly original teachings than anywhere else in Scripture. Jesus dives past the surface into the heart of what we truly desire--from God, ourselves, and one another. It's the spiritual straight talk we need about the things that matter most in life.
Drawing from decades of study, Dr. Robert Jeffress breaks down Jesus's most well-known (yet least-followed) teachings about happiness, faith, relationships, sex, reconciliation, prayer, money, and more. He shows how we often misunderstand and misapply these verses and unpacks exactly what Jesus was teaching us about our own hearts and minds.
If you long to take your Christian walk to the next level, it's time to grasp these biblical truths that have the power to change your life.
"A life-changing message in just eighteen minutes--what a concept. Dr. Robert Jeffress breaks open the ageless lessons of Christ's greatest sermon. Dr. Jeffress is not someone who wastes words, and page after page of this book is packed full of powerful thoughts and revelations that will change your life."--Jentezen Franklin, senior pastor of Free Chapel and New York Times bestselling author
"Robert Jeffress reveals that this most famous of all sermons is applicable for every aspect of our daily lives. While you may be able to read the Sermon on the Mount in eighteen minutes, it takes a lifetime to incarnate all its truths. Read it . . . and reap!"--O. S. Hawkins, PhD, former pastor of First Baptist Church, Dallas, and author of the bestselling Code series
"In an ever-changing world and culture, Dr. Jeffress unpacks for us the never-changing words of Jesus. If you long to finish well, dive into these powerful truths."--Sheila Walsh, cohost of LIFE Today and author of Holding On When You Want to Let Go
"This an important resource for anyone who is ready to have their perspective shifted and their heart challenged, and to experience the fullness of God's kingdom at work in and through their life here on earth. Your spirit will come to a great understanding of how Jesus intended the Sermon on the Mount to impact your life. This book is a radical invitation to step into all God has destined you to be."--Debbie Lindell, founder of Designed for Life Women's Conference and author of She Prays
"My good friend Robert Jeffress unpacks ten key truths found in one of the most profound messages ever delivered: Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Jesus is calling us to be revolutionaries, and Jeffress effectively challenges us to allow Christ's words to penetrate our hearts and to live with kingdom purpose."--James Robison, founder and president, LIFE Outreach International
"A life-changing message in just eighteen minutes--what a concept. Dr. Robert Jeffress breaks open the ageless lessons of Christ's greatest sermon. Dr. Jeffress is not someone who wastes words, and page after page of this book is packed full of powerful thoughts and revelations that will change your life."
Jentezen Franklin, senior pastor of Free Chapel and New York Times bestselling author
"In this new volume from the prolific pen of Robert Jeffress, in his own unique convincing and convicting style, he reveals that this most famous of all sermons is not just an offering of lengthy, lofty platitudes but is most applicable for every aspect of our daily lives. While you may be able to read the Sermon on the Mount in eighteen minutes, it takes a lifetime to incarnate all its truths. Read it . . . and reap!"
O. S. Hawkins, PhD, former pastor of First Baptist Church, Dallas, and author of the bestselling Code series
"In an ever-changing world and culture, Dr. Jeffress unpacks for us the never-changing words of Jesus. If you long to finish well, dive into these powerful truths."
Sheila Walsh, cohost of Life Today and author of Holding On When You Want to Let Go
"This an important resource for anyone who is ready to have their perspective shifted and their heart challenged, and to experience the fullness of God's kingdom at work in and through their life here on earth. Your spirit will come to a great understanding of how Jesus intended the Sermon on the Mount to impact your life. This book is not just another teaching but a radical invitation to step into all God has destined you to be."
Debbie Lindell, founder of Designed for Life Women's Conference and author of She Prays
"My good friend Robert Jeffress unpacks ten key truths found in one of the most profound messages ever delivered: Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. While this famous sermon takes only eighteen minutes to read, it delivers a life-changing message that transcends time and culture. Jesus is calling us to be revolutionaries, and Jeffress effectively challenges us to allow Christ's words to penetrate our hearts and to live with kingdom purpose."
James Robison, founder and president, LIFE Outreach International