Submitting a Proposal

  1. Baker Academic welcomes book proposals from prospective authors holding relevant academic credentials (which usually means a PhD or similar degree in the field of the proposed book and a teaching position at a recognized institution of higher learning). Proposals vary in form from a one-page description to an extensive prospectus including sample chapters.
  2. We prefer to see a proposal before you complete the manuscript. This enables you to obtain feedback from us that may make the project more publishable.
  3. Even if you finish your manuscript before approaching us, we ask that you submit a proposal instead of the manuscript.
  4. A fully developed proposal consists of the following:

    • The proposed book’s topic and your rationale for writing it. This is your chance to pitch the book to our editorial, sales, and marketing people. Tell us what the book is and why it is needed.
    • Further details about your book. Is it arguing a thesis? Is it to be used as a textbook or reference book? What sets it apart from similar books? What is its methodology or subdiscipline?
    • The primary audience for the book—who are you writing to? Other than those primary readers, who else might be interested in your book?
    • If the book has potential as a textbook in institutions of higher education, identify: (i) specific courses for which it might be used as a primary text (if any), then those for which it could serve as a supplementary text; (ii) the educational level of the book; and (iii) pedagogical aids, such as exercises, discussion questions, glossaries, and bibliographies, to be included in it.
    • A short list of comparable books with brief annotations comparing and contrasting your book to them.
    • The estimated date for the manuscript’s completion.
    • An annotated table of contents, with a one-paragraph summary or a brief outline of each chapter.
    • The anticipated manuscript length, including words per chapter and total words (including notes and bibliography).
    • Kinds and quantities of illustrative material (such as photographs, line drawings, maps, charts, tables) that need to be included.
    • A sample chapter that represents the book’s unique contribution or an introduction that explains such things as the book’s background, purpose, distinctives, approach, thesis, and contents.
    • A full vita, one that shows your qualifications to write the proposed volume.
    • Letters from others in your field who testify to the need for such a volume and your ability to write it. We prefer to have the letters submitted at the same time the proposal is submitted and by the same method.
  5. Put your proposal in the most refined form you can. The quality of your proposal will tell us something about your ability to craft a quality manuscript.

  6. We naturally prefer that you submit your proposal to us first. If you choose to submit it simultaneously to other publishers as well, we only ask that you say as much in your cover letter.
  7. After evaluating your proposal, we will advise you of our level of interest. If we have interest in publishing the project, an acquisitions editor will follow up with you.
  8. If you have been in previous conversation with a Baker Academic editor, you may send your proposal to that editor. Otherwise, your proposal may be sent by email to:

[email protected]

Baker Academic is not able to accept or respond to unsolicited proposals for works of fiction, inspirational books, or other projects that fall beyond the purview of our publishing program.