Glimpses of Heaven Featured on The New York Times Best Sellers Lists

Glimpses of Heaven (Revell; paperback; March 2008; ISBN 9780800732516; ebook ISBN 9781441200433; $14.99) by Trudy Harris has been featured on two of The New York Times Best Sellers lists, ranking #11 on the E-Book Best Sellers and #24 on the Combined Print & E-Book Best Sellers. These rankings reflect sales for the week ending August 23. With over 200,000 copies in print, Glimpses of Heaven reaches another milestone and shows that there is continued interest in the afterlife.

Through the eyes of a former hospice nurse, Trudy Harris gives an intimate look at the final thoughts, words and visions of terminally ill and dying people. Tender and heartbreaking, readers will experience more than 40 true stories that give a reassuring picture of life’s end. Whether readers are facing the death of a loved one or confronting a terminal disease, Glimpses of Heaven provides hope.

Don Piper, author of The New York Times bestseller, 90 Minutes in Heaven wrote the forward and says, “As a hospice nurse, Trudy has seen and heard things that cannot be explained in human terms. In these spiritual moments, between earthly and eternal life, she has seen God at work over and over again.”

Harris has written a follow up book entitled, More Glimpses of Heaven (Revell; paperback; October 2010; ISBN 9780800734404; ebook 9781441213068; $13.99) which includes more stories of her experience working with patients in hospice care.

Trudy Harris, RN is a former hospice nurse and former president of the Hospice Foundation for Caring. Since retiring, Harris remains active in connecting the needs of terminally ill and dying people in her community with the hospice program she knows can best meet their needs.

Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, publishes books that help bring the Christian faith to everyday life. Whether through fiction, Christian living, self-help, marriage, family or youth books, each Revell publication reflects relevance, integrity, and excellence.

Baker Publishing Group publishes high-quality writings that represent historic Christianity and serve the diverse interests and concerns of evangelical readers.

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