Who I Am in Christ

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Do You Know Who You Are in God's Eyes?

Have you ever been tempted to doubt God's love? Well, He never gives up on you. Do you spend much of your life trying to earn God's favor? What a tragic waste of time--because you already have His love! It is the gift of life, which God freely gives you when you decide to follow Christ. It comes with no strings attached and lasts for eternity.

Neil T. Anderson--bestselling author of Victory Over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker--reveals and defines your special place in God's family in this powerful devotional that has sold over 100,000 copies!

Who I Am in Christ includes 36 readings and prayers, each and every one based on scriptural passages that assure you of God's love and your security and freedom in His kingdom. Welcome to His Word and His world-- where you are the apple of His eye!

The Author

  1. Neil T. Anderson

    Neil T. Anderson

    Dr. Neil T. Anderson is the founder and president emeritus of Freedom in Christ Ministries, which has offices and representatives in 40 countries. Dr. Anderson has authored more than 70 books on Christ-centered living, including Victory Over the...

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