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What Your Daughter Isn't Telling You

A Revealing Look at the Secret Reality of Your Teen Girl

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How much do you really know about your daughter's day-to-day life, what secrets she has about her friends, or what questions she's too embarrassed or scared to ask you? Fact: Her world is dramatically different from the one you grew up in. She has some tough questions. "What if I'm out in public when I get my first period?" "How can I get my mom and dad to trust me?" and "My friend put some embarrassing pictures of me online; how do I get them down?" are real concerns for young girls.

Your teen or preteen girl is at the age when she needs you the most, yet all too often she closes herself off. Don't give her the opportunity to look for answers or comfort elsewhere. She needs a mom who will really listen. Teen experts Susie Shellenberger and Kathy Gowler arm you with answers to real-life questions from girls just like your daughter. Use this biblically sound advice to help keep communication open between you and your daughter, and feel confident that there isn't anything she isn't telling you.

The Authors

  1. Susie Shellenberger

    Susie Shellenberger

    Susie Shellenberger has written 57 books and is a fulltime speaker living in Bethany, Oklahoma. She speaks 43 weeks/weekends every year and recently received her Doctorate of Divinity degree from Southern Nazarene University. Susie was the founding editor of...

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  2. Kathy Gowler
    Photo by: BokMeow Media

    Kathy Gowler

    Kathy Gowler has been a contributing writer to Focus on the Family's Brio and Brio and Beyond magazines for teen girls and also a contributing author to Bloom: A Girl's Guide to Growing Up. Kathy has counseled hundreds of teen girls in...

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