Welcome to the Funny Farm
The All-True Misadventures of a Woman on the Edge
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781441235763
- Pub. Date
- Jul 2001
- $12.99
There is no end to the sources of frustration, challenge, disaster--and humor!--in a woman's life, and there is no one more skilled at finding the merriment and wisdom in these everyday foibles and events than award-winning author and popular speaker Karen Linamen.
In her newest humor-packed release, Linamen (author of Just Hand Over the Chocolate and No One Will Get Hurt) guides readers on a side-splitting, hopeful, and entertaining tour of a woman's life, and in true, tongue-in-cheek Linamen style, no topic is off limits! Welcome to the Funny Farm covers everything from baby showers to cell phones, chin hair to Hamburger Helper, defrosted turkeys to Barry Manilow, and dumb blonde jokes to well-woman exams.
Linamen's collection of hilarious observations, originally posted online at www.women-of-faith.com as The Funny Farm columns, will inspire and entertain (though not necessarily in that order) and ultimately shed light on principles of spiritual wellness and Christian living that will enrich the life of every reader.