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True You

Letting Go of Your False Self to Uncover the Person God Created

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"If you feel lost in your own life, this book is an invitation to pull over and wait for directions."--Lisa-Jo Baker, bestselling author of Never Unfriended and Surprised by Motherhood

Are you exhausted by the do-more, be-more life? Do you long to uncover your true self and your purpose in this world? Gardeners familiar with the technique called "pruning open" know that the secret to healthy plants and trees lies in subtracting rather than adding. Similarly, we begin to flourish as we let go of our false selves and allow God to prune us. With powerful stories and insights into the latest research, Michelle DeRusha helps you

· declutter your heart, mind, and soul
· let go of busyness and false identities
· grow in your relationships, vocation, communities, and intimacy with God

Michelle DeRusha is the author of 50 Women Every Christian Should Know, Spiritual Misfit, and Katharina and Martin Luther, which was a finalist in the Biography and Memoir category for the 2018 Christian Book Awards. She publishes a monthly column on religion and spirituality for the Lincoln Journal Star and writes about learning to listen to your soul on her blog,


"If you feel lost in your own life, this book is an invitation to pull over and wait for directions. Not to drive faster or more frantically but to become comfortable with letting yourself feel lost for a while. Michelle is a good and safe person to sit with as you wait. I'm so grateful I did."

Lisa-Jo Baker, bestselling author of Never Unfriended and Surprised by Motherhood

"In True You Michelle DeRusha paints the ordinary world as something worthy of our attention, inviting us to uncover hidden beauty as we uncover within us the image of God. This journey to our truest self is paved with small moments, attentiveness, and gut-level honesty--payment we can all afford, though not without discomfort as we go. True You made me want to slow down, tell the truth, and set up camp in the wide, wild presence of God, where anything is possible. I am grateful for this luminous book."

Shannan Martin, author of The Ministry of Ordinary Places and Falling Free

"Michelle has done an incredible job of gently, practically, and beautifully teaching us to calm the restlessness within. So many of us sense there is not only more to life but more to us--we just haven't been taught how to create space for our true selves to thrive. This book is your guide to uncovering the pathway to who you were truly meant to be."

Deidra Riggs, author of One and Every Little Thing

"Ever since I began reading this book, I keep finding myself looking up at the trees. Not because this is a book about trees but because the trees hold compelling truths about what it means to live as my essential self. Michelle DeRusha uses words as if they are pruning shears--cutting away what gets in the way of truest you . . . what gets in the way of real intimacy with God. I was deeply moved by this book, which is rich with metaphor and incisive wisdom. At times I knew I needed to slow down my reading so that the truths might set in, yet I found myself utterly unable to resist turning the page. I didn't want this book to end and will return to its pages again and again. I highly recommend True You."

Jennifer Dukes Lee, author of It's All Under Control and The Happiness Dare

"Captivating and convicting, True You is a beautiful discovery on how to come home to one's true self. Writing with a caretaker's heart, Michelle DeRusha is a compassionate, hopeful voice coaxing us to stop, beckoning us to see, reminding us of the truth, and leading us toward rest. In a noisy world consumed with busyness, this book will help you think about silence and solitude differently."

Shelly Miller, author of Rhythms of Rest: Finding the Spirit of Sabbath in a Busy World

"This book stopped me in my tracks. I'm a huge fan of Henri Nouwen, and the same gentle spirit he wrote with can be found in the pages of DeRusha's True You. She challenges our culture of busyness with such kindness and grace, inviting us instead of guilting us, showing us that all is well on the quiet, simple path. I can't recommend this book enough."

Shawn Smucker, author of Once We Were Strangers

"Pruning is a powerful metaphor for spiritual transformation, but our understanding of it is too often superficial. Michelle DeRusha gives depth and richness to a familiar theme, and the result is a book of rare wisdom and insight. True You is a book about the necessity of silence, solitude, and stillness, but it is written by someone with little natural affinity for those contemplative spiritual practices. The result is a compelling personal story shared with rare candor that reveals an accessible path toward deeper intimacy with God. This is a book for hungry, restless souls."

Christie Purifoy, author of Roots and Sky and Placemaker

The Author

  1. Michelle DeRusha

    Michelle DeRusha

    Michelle DeRusha is the author of 50 Women Every Christian Should Know, Spiritual Misfit, and Katharina and Martin Luther, which is a finalist in the Memoir/Biography category for the 2018 Christian Book Awards. She publishes a monthly...

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