The Ultimate Survival Guide for Children's Ministry Workers
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781441223678
- Pub. Date
- May 2007
- $6.99
Too often, children's ministry volunteers say yes to helping out and then are confused about what to do. How do I use curriculum? What if the kids get rowdy? How do I build relationships? This valuable, easy-to-use resource will give every children's volunteer a solid foundation as they begin working in ministry. From basic ideas for getting started, practical tips on classroom management techniques, to help with understanding different age levels, everything a volunteer needs is outlined in these pages. There are also ideas for working with children with special needs, understanding the current tech-savvy generation, keeping kids safe at church, the role of a volunteer in the child's spiritual development, and ideas for self-evaluation. Every church will want a copy of this terrific guide to ensure their children's ministry volunteers get off to the right start, have a successful year, and finish their term of service with passion and enthusiasm.