The Stage Is Set
Israel, the End Times, and Christ's Ultimate Victory
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493406425
- Pub. Date
- Jan 2017
- $18.00
"The future is bright because Jesus is coming again. This work will get you ready for that glorious day."--Daniel L. Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Even a cursory glance at the news is enough to convince us that the world is falling into chaos. But God is still in control of his creation--and he keeps his promises. In fact, he has a sovereign plan that includes ultimate victory for the church and the salvation of his people, Israel. The Stage Is Set carefully illuminates the signs of the times that point toward Christ's glorious appearing and millennial reign, answering questions you have about the identity of the antichrist, the future of Israel, the location of Armageddon, and more.
He is coming. Soon. And his people must be ready. Are you?
"Bryant Wright has done a remarkable job jolting faithful believers into the realization that The Stage Is Set for the end times. Don't just read this book. Pass it on!"--Michael Youssef, PhD, author of Jesus, Jihad, and Peace
"Insightful. Hopeful. Needed. In a world that seems to be crumbling around us, The Stage Is Set reminds us that God paints on a canvas bigger than we can see or imagine. If you have ever questioned what will happen when Jesus returns, this book is for you!"--Louie Giglio, director of the Passion Movement; author of The Comeback
Bryant Wright is pastor of the 8,500-member Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in Marietta, Georgia, and past president of the Southern Baptist Convention. His teaching is broadcast on six major radio stations in Georgia and nearly sixty in Florida. His TV spots air on major networks, including NBC, CNN, ESPN, Headline News, MSNBC, and Fox News. Learn more at
"Bryant Wright has done a remarkable job jolting faithful believers into the realization that The Stage Is Set for the end times. Don't just read this book. Pass it on!"
Michael Youssef, PhD, author of Jesus, Jihad, and Peace
"This book is a clear and concise study of the end times. It is both biblical and relevant to the world in which we live. One need not agree with all the details of interpretation to benefit from its insights. The future is bright because Jesus is coming again. This work will get you ready for that glorious day."
Daniel L. Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
"Insightful. Hopeful. Needed. In a world that seems to be crumbling around us, The Stage Is Set reminds us that God paints on a canvas bigger than we can see or imagine. If you have ever questioned what will happen when Jesus returns, this book is for you!"
Louie Giglio, director of the Passion Movement; author of The Comeback
"To show how much I respect, admire, and believe in Bryant as a teacher and expositor of God's Word, I am endorsing a book on eschatology from the perspective of a premillennialist, while I myself am a pretty stubborn amillennialist. Having said this, if you want to be well-informed and encouraged from all perspectives, The Stage Is Set is a must-read book. Bryant is in a rare class of those who handle well God's Word."
Randy Pope, founding pastor of Perimeter Church
"Bryant Wright, writing about his beliefs concerning the end times, has courageously stepped into waters that many have previously. Obviously, some will not agree with everything he says, but unlike many books on this subject, The Stage Is Set is irenic not polemic, direct but not dogmatic, substantive but not speculative. It belongs on the bookshelf of all who are interested in the last days, and we all should be!"
James Merritt, lead pastor of Cross Pointe Church
"Bryant Wright delivers the truth from God's Word regarding future events and the second coming of Jesus. I highly recommend this insightful and inspiring book. The message of The Stage is Set will prepare you for life and eternity."
Dr. Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church
"I am blessed as I read Dr. Bryant Wright's book, reminding me of our blessed hope. Jesus's return inspires and instructs my life in holy living and how to urgently share the gospel."
Dr. Johnny Hunt, senior pastor of First Baptist Church; former president of the Southern Baptist Convention
"The intensity level of any competition rises greatly as the clock winds down. Players become more determined. Each gives an all-out effort. Every move matters. In The Stage is Set, my friend Bryant Wright looks at today's news and headlines through the lens of Old and New Testament prophecy and concludes that the end of the age is near. Believers should not fear this conclusion. Instead, it should drive our efforts in missions and evangelism. We must make every moment count until our Lord's return."
Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention
"We all know it is coming. We can sense it in our bones and read it in the news. This world is heading somewhere and seemingly fast. More than political pundits, we need biblical theologians to guide us through the confusion and into the compelling nature of the end times. In Bryant Wright's latest book, The Stage is Set, you will gain a watchful eye and biblical heart of understanding of what our eternal future holds. Don't miss the outstanding message in this book."
Gregg Matte, pastor of Houston's First Baptist Church; author of Unstoppable Gospel
"Many Christians are at a loss when it comes to understanding what the Bible says about the end times. This area of study, called eschatology, is often muddied with a number of differing opinions. What Bryant Wright's voice offers to this discussion is clarity and trustworthiness. The Stage Is Set draws its information from two sources: careful biblical exposition and years of walking through the biblical landscape described in end-times prophecy. Ultimately, this book reminds us of the urgency and need to finish Christ's work of making disciples who make disciple-makers."
Robby Gallaty, pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church; author of Growing Up and Rediscovering Discipleship
"Over the years of hosting 100 Huntley Street, I have interviewed hundreds of people. They come from different backgrounds, with different goals, but they have one concern that is common among most Christians: What is going on in the world? Bryant Wright has written a compelling book that answers this question in a thorough yet easy to understand examination of biblical prophecies and Revelation. When you read the news of the day, you'd best have this book beside you."
John Hull, lead pastor of Eastside Baptist Church; host of 100 Huntley Street
"This book is both brave and biblical. It reads current events in the light of the Scriptures, not the other way around. Most of all, it encourages Christians and unbelievers alike to be ready for the final act in the drama of redemption--the return of Jesus Christ."
Timothy George, founding dean of Beeson Divinity School of Samford University; general editor of the Reformation Commentary on Scripture
"Many books, most of them driven by world events, deal with the topic of the end times and Christ's return and victory. In The Stage Is Set, Dr. Wright shows from Scripture, both the Old and New Testaments, how we have been living in the last days for two thousand years. This book is clear, fair, and easy to read. I highly recommend it!"
Matt Carter, pastor of preaching and vision at The Austin Stone Community Church