The Soul of an American President
The Untold Story of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Faith
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493417667
- Pub. Date
- Jun 2019
- $22.99
While there have been many biographies of Dwight D. Eisenhower that focus on his military career or the time of his presidency, none clearly explores the important role faith played both in his personal life and in his public policy. This despite the fact that he is the only US president to be baptized as a Christian while in office.
Alan Sears and Craig Osten invite you on a journey that is unique in American history and is essential to understanding one of the most consequential, admired, and complex Americans of the twentieth century. The story begins in abject poverty in rural Texas, then travels through Kansas, West Point, two World Wars, and down Pennsylvania Avenue.
This is the untold story of a man whose growing faith sustained him through the loss of a young son, marital difficulties, depression, career disappointments, and being witness to some of the worst atrocities humankind has devised. A man whose faith was based in his own sincere conviction, not out of a sense of political expediency or social obligation. A man whose personal principles shaped public policy that would define the soul of a nation.
This is the untold story of the faith of Dwight D. Eisenhower.
You've met Dwight Eisenhower the soldier and Dwight Eisenhower the president.
Now meet Dwight Eisenhower the man of faith.
"In The Soul of an American President, Alan Sears and Craig Osten reveal the fascinating spiritual history of a man who had to overcome daunting challenges, tragedy, and personal crises to ultimately become one of the nation's most admired presidents. This inspiring and compelling book provides a new and more complete understanding of the inspiration and fundamental beliefs that led Eisenhower from a humble beginning to true greatness."--Edwin Meese III, 75th Attorney General of the United States, former counselor to the president, and chief of staff for Governor Ronald Reagan
"The best leaders are those who recognize that they're not self-sufficient. The bigger the decision, the more we must rely on God for wisdom. Dwight Eisenhower learned that as a general and applied it as a president, quietly seeking insight through prayer, Bible reading, and godly counsel. That's a recipe for success at any level."--Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family
"Dwight Eisenhower is remembered as a man skilled in the arts of both war and peace, a leader whose instinctive civility is sorely missed in an age of bitter political acrimony. Biographers have captured many of Ike's finest qualities, but they often overlook one of the cornerstones of his character: his guiding faith in a provident God. Alan Sears and Craig Osten have added that final, essential element to our understanding of the man in their superb and engaging book."--Charles J. Chaput, OFMCap, archbishop of Philadelphia
"There are several fine biographies of Dwight D. Eisenhower. But until now, we lacked a biography zeroing in on the president and great war leader's spiritual life. Kudos to Alan Sears, Craig Osten, and Ryan Cole for filling that gap. In The Soul of an American President, they provide a window into Ike's life as a man of faith and explore the manifold ways his Christian convictions shaped the conduct of his presidency."--Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, Princeton University
Alan Sears, KSG, is an ardent student of history and the founder of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which he led as president, CEO, and general counsel for twenty-three years. Under his leadership, ADF and its allied attorneys--which now number more than three thousand in forty-four nations--played important roles in more than fifty victories at the US Supreme Court and seventeen victories at the European Court of Human Rights. Sears served in numerous positions within the Reagan and Bush administrations. He has been profiled by the New York Times, the Washington Post, the National Catholic Register, and more.
Craig Osten serves as senior director of research and grant writing for Alliance Defending Freedom. Like Alan, he has been an ardent student of history from an early age. He has more than thirty years of experience providing writing and research expertise on more than one dozen books for bestselling authors such as Alan Sears, Tim Goeglein, Dr. James Dobson, and Dr. Wayne Grudem, among others. Before coming to ADF, he worked as a political reporter in Sacramento, California, created and managed the public policy constituent response division at Focus on the Family, and served as research assistant to Dr. James Dobson.
Ryan Cole holds degrees in history and journalism from Indiana University and has written extensively about American history and literature for the Wall Street Journal, National Review, the Weekly Standard, the New Criterion, Civil War Times, the Washington Times, the American Interest, and the Indianapolis Star.
"The best leaders are those who recognize that they're not self-sufficient. The bigger the decision, the more we must rely on God for wisdom. Dwight Eisenhower learned that as a general and applied it as a president, quietly seeking insight through prayer, Bible reading, and godly counsel. That's a recipe for success at any level."
Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family
"Historians have increasingly come to appreciate the outstanding performance of duty by Dwight D. Eisenhower as President of the United States. But little research and writing has been done about the religious background that sustained this exceptional leader through a life of distinguished service to his country. In The Soul of an American President, Alan Sears and Craig Osten reveal the fascinating spiritual history of a man who had to overcome daunting challenges, tragedy, and personal crises to ultimately become one of the nation's most admired presidents. This inspiring and compelling book provides a new and more complete understanding of the inspiration and fundamental beliefs that led Eisenhower from a humble beginning to true greatness."
Edwin Meese III, former attorney general of the United States
"Dwight Eisenhower is remembered as a man skilled in the arts of both war and peace, a leader whose instinctive civility is sorely missed in an age of bitter political acrimony. Biographers have captured many of Ike's finest qualities, but they often overlook one of the cornerstones of his character: his guiding faith in a provident God. Alan Sears and Craig Osten have added that final, essential element to our understanding of the man in their superb and engaging book."
Charles J. Chaput, OFMCap, archbishop of Philadelphia
"There are several fine biographies of Dwight D. Eisenhower. But until now, we lacked a biography zeroing in on the president and great war leader's spiritual life. Kudos to Alan Sears, Craig Osten, and Ryan Cole for filling that gap. In The Soul of an American President, they provide a window into Ike's life as a man of faith and explore the manifold ways his Christian convictions shaped the conduct of his presidency."
Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, Princeton University