The Secret to Experiencing God's Presence

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Experience God Not Just Once in a While, but Every Day

It is easier to sense the presence of God while worshiping in church, but what about when you're on your own--when it's just you, your Bible and a quiet room? Do you feel the Holy Spirit with you? You can!

With wisdom and insight, communicator, writer and worship leader John Belt has helped thousands of believers overcome seasons of spiritual dryness and encounter God--and he will help you do the same. Full of inspiring stories and practical tips, this book shares simple ways to experience God personally, including how to

· be a dwelling place of God's manifest presence
· live inspired from the inside out
· remove hindrances in your life with God
· discover intimate life with God through communion with the Holy Spirit
· be an atmosphere-changer and influencer in your sphere
· and so much more!

As Belt shares tried-and-true ways to encounter God, he also reveals potential roadblocks and the keys to overcoming them. Here is the secret to experiencing God's presence and living abundantly every single day.

"John Belt has provided believers with a guide that is simple, practical and insightful. Study this book and learn to walk in the reality of God's presence every day!"--Joan Hunter, author and evangelist,

John Belt is a recognized writer, worship producer and the co-founder, with his wife, Brandi, of Overflow Global Ministries. John helps people discover abundant life in God's presence, traveling throughout the United States and abroad speaking and leading worship. He has produced more than thirty worship albums, and he releases teaching and prophetic articles weekly, which appear in publications such as Charisma magazine and The Elijah List. John and Brandi reside in Cincinnati, Ohio. Learn more at


"Every Christian should thirst for the manifest presence of God. Jesus is the victor, the Savior, the deliverer, the light, the life, the way and the bread and water of life that we all need. His presence in our lives ensures that we will have access to everything. Many stumble trying to gain the blessings of God without His presence. John Belt has provided believers with a guide that is simple, practical and insightful to help us all. The Secret to Experiencing God's Presence will provide you with a heartfelt, panoramic view of Christian living. Study this book and learn to walk in the reality of God's presence every day!"

Joan Hunter, author and evangelist,

"Some teach or write like an armchair coach having never entered the game, or others display their principles only as a theorist. John Belt writes as a practitioner! This man lives his message. I know firsthand the growth, increase and stature of this man and his ministry. John worked full-time with me for five years, and we have remained in relationship since. As a father in the faith, I am delighted to see John emerge from the inner court long enough to share with you secrets of how you, too, can live a life filled with the presence of God."

James W. Goll, God Encounters Ministries, life language trainer, bestselling author

"Growing in intimacy with God is a foundational commitment of mine and has been since the moment I encountered His manifest presence. With biblical clarity and personal testimonies, John Belt reveals the building blocks of lifestyle intimacy. I believe The Secret to Experiencing God's Presence is a powerful resource full of transformative revelation and practical applications for your journey to deeper connection with God."

Dr. Ché Ahn, president and founder, Harvest International Ministry; founder, HRock Church, Pasadena, California; international chancellor, Wagner University

"John Belt has written a great book on experiencing God's presence. This book is refreshing, heart-drawing and life-giving. It reminds me, convicts me and encourages me to put first things first. Why? So that I may prosper and succeed in every aspect of my walk with God. Thanks, John!"

Barbara J. Yoder, lead apostle, Shekinah Regional Apostolic Center

"Secrets are meant to be discovered by those hungry for life-changing insight. John Belt masterfully guides you to discovery in The Secret to Experiencing God's Presence. It is a unique blend of uncovering the deepest mysteries interwoven with the most practical application. His path is biblical, his book profound and his prophetic insight transforming."

Dr. Clarice Fluitt, founder and president, Clarice Fluitt Ministries

"If you want to find your own Promised Land with God, find a pioneer who is leading the way and follow. And to make sure you are following the right pioneer, choose one who has lots of stories to tell of past pioneering successes and failures. Learn from his or her mistakes and emulate much of what you learn along the way. One such pioneer is John Belt! Many books can be written about obeying God, but precious few are written about living in His presence in your daily experiences. That is because presence living can only be taught by those who are actually living it. Get this book! It changes everything!"

Steve Shultz, founder and president, The Elijah List

"In The Secrets to Experiencing God's Presence, John Belt teaches you from Scripture and his own life experience how to live a life saturated with God's presence. Everything in life flows out of God's glory. When you learn how to cultivate a lifestyle of being tangibly saturated with the Holy Spirit, all the limits come off of you. You are filled with righteousness, peace, joy and power! You can experience God's presence on a daily basis, and this book will empower you to do that. I love what John teaches about experiencing God out of the overflow of His goodness. When you know God loves you unconditionally, there is no fear and you can receive all He has for you. I know this book will be a great blessing in your life as you pursue and experience God's presence in a new way."

Matt Sorger, prophetic minister, Matt Sorger Ministries

The Author

  1. John Belt

    John Belt

    John Belt is a recognized writer and worship producer and the co-founder, with his wife, Brandi, of Overflow Global Ministries. With joyful candor John helps people discover abundant life in God's presence through personal devotion, prophetic release and...

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