The Sacred Chase

Moving from Proximity to Intimacy with God

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There is nothing more important in this life or the one to come than an intimate connection with Jesus. Unfortunately, we have thousands of voices distracting us, and all too often we listen to them. We confuse proximity to God with intimacy with God. We content ourselves with a Christian-branded life yet miss out on what we were created for: knowing God intimately.

Sharing the story of a demon-possessed man who had every reason to run the other way when he encountered Jesus, Heath Adamson shows us how spiritual hunger can overcome our hopelessness, our shame, and our excuses. He encourages us to pursue God regardless of where we've been or where we are, seeing our salvation as a doorway. Once we walk through it, we can discover the love of God in a tangible way.

This book is for anyone who longs for a deeper connection to God, who has felt far from peace and hope, and who needs the assurance that God is both interested in who they are and accepts them as they are.

"With keen insights into the Bible, powerful stories, and a penetrating writing style, Heath invites us to live a life hungry for more of God and provides practical, biblical ways to do so."--Mark Batterson, New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker and lead pastor of National Community Church

"The Sacred Chase encourages all believers to engage authentically with the unbridled pursuit of God's presence. Read this book and engage in the holy quest that reveals why we are alive."--Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, Redding, CA; author of The Way of Life and Raising Giant-Killers

Heath Adamson (PhD, University of London) is the author of Grace in the Valley. His life was changed dramatically when, at the age of seventeen, he was rescued out of a life steeped in drug abuse and the occult. Now a sought-after speaker at conferences, seminars, universities, and churches, Adamson seeks to bring audiences from simply knowing information about God to actually experiencing God in life-changing ways. He lives with his wife, Ali, and their daughters, Leighton and Dallon. The Adamsons believe you are God's favorite place to be.


"The Sacred Chase unravels one of the most provocative stories found in the Bible. The man in Mark 5 named Legion was tormented by thousands of voices and held back by a multitude of excuses. He overcame all odds and refused to use any earthly circumstance to get in the way of his deep longing to be free, whole, and authentically himself. With keen insights into the Bible, powerful stories, and a penetrating writing style, Heath invites us to live a life hungry for more of God and provides practical, biblical ways to do so. It's true . . . we are all as close to God as we want to be."

Mark Batterson, New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker and lead pastor of National Community Church

"Heath Adamson's new book, The Sacred Chase, encourages all believers to engage authentically with the unbridled pursuit of God's presence. The author is one of the best examples of this message I know. He discovered the reality that God gives himself to us as an inheritance. Nothing is more astounding than that fact, and it demands a response on our part--pursue with passion. This pursuit is neither aimless nor vain. Jesus promised, 'I will be found by you.' Read this book and engage in the holy quest that reveals why we are alive."

Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, Redding, CA; author of The Way of Life and Raising Giant-Killers

"Whenever I endorse a book, I ask two questions: Does the author have something to say, and is he or she practicing what they preach? Heath Adamson checks both boxes. He is a prolific leader with a voice deserving to be heard. The Sacred Chase is a timely message for anyone who wants their life to count in a desperate world. Take the time to read this inspiring book and let it inspire you to greater things."

Hal Donaldson, president of Convoy of Hope

"In a noisy, needy world filled with endless opportunities for distraction, we are daily presented with chances to give our attention and focus away. Heath Adamson enters modern culture's chaotic arena of vying voices with a clear call to let go of anything that may distract you from your God-given design to know and be known by your loving Father. In these anointed pages, you will encounter an exhortation to not divert from your destiny and instead keep your eyes locked on the Author of your adventure on the earth. I highly recommend The Sacred Chase to anyone who is hungry to encounter the living God every day in the here-and-now. You will not be disappointed!"

Kris Vallotton, leader of Bethel Church, Redding, CA, cofounder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, and author of thirteen books, including The Supernatural Ways of Royalty, Heavy Rain, and Poverty, Riches and Wealth

"Heath Adamson skillfully weaves compelling storytelling and impactful biblical truth to remind you there is limitless love available through Jesus Christ. The Sacred Chase invites you to hold a mirror up to your own life and authentically reflect on your pursuit of the God who calls you by name. Anyone interested in taking a step forward in their faith walk should read this book."

Rob Hoskins, president of OneHope

"Heath's latest book opens with the simple verse of Psalm 27:8. 'You have said, "seek my face." My heart says to you, "your face, Lord, do I seek."' What follows are inspiring reflections of contemporary and biblical stories that ignite our deepest longing to respond to the invitation to true intimacy with the One who created us only to discover the God we seek has been in the chase all along."

Dr. Carol Taylor, president of Evangel University

"Heath Adamson is a trusted gift. He has the voice of a Reformer. God is using his writings to free the church by reminding us of the things that matter most. Unquestionably there are many in the body of Christ who feel empty. The last two decades of passion and prosperity have not delivered. The Sacred Chase has come along at just the right moment to powerfully guide us back toward the pathways of righteousness."

Scott Hagan, president of North Central University, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"Some things are worth pursuing. In the chaos of a world traveling at the speed of light, with busy schedules, searches for self-fulfillment, and the pursuit of more, Heath Adamson speaks with a voice of divine clarity, reminding us of what really lies at the end of the race of life--that the greatest pursuit of the human spirit, for those both near and far from God, is an encounter with the living Christ. Heath also reminds us that the chase is not ours alone. God began pursuing us long before we pursued him. In this book, Heath will engage you with the inspiration and spiritual authority of a man who has participated in and experienced the chase. Heath's voice is that of a global leader and scholar, and he will offer you insights through a lens of humility, grace, and transparency. I'm thankful for his friendship and that he continues to journal his journey with Christ on pages like these that are shared with the world."

Josh Skjoldal, lead pastor of Evangel

"Heath Adamson is such an incredible preacher and teacher of the Word. I've had the privilege of ministering with him on a number of occasions at different conferences, and I have always been so impacted by his ministry and teaching. That's why I am so thrilled that he's releasing The Sacred Chase, a timely and relevant reminder that the demonic realm is real but Jesus is still our victory. Staying close to Jesus is essential, and in these pages Pastor Heath will help you in your walk with God. This book will bless you in a powerful way. Every believer needs to read The Sacred Chase."

David Hall, senior pastor and evangelist, Lifepoint Church, Adelaide, South Australia

"In a world teeming with distractions, addictions, and obsessions that are all clamoring for our undivided attention, we need prophetic voices like Heath's to point us back to biblical truth. In The Sacred Chase, Heath challenges us to shake free from the temptations that threaten to pull us away from our calling in God and reminds us that the only person truly worth chasing in life is Jesus."

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, lead pastor of New Season, president of NHCLC, and author of You Are Next!

The Author

  1. Heath Adamson

    Heath Adamson

    Heath Adamson is a senior vice president at Convoy of Hope, a nonprofit organization that leads humanitarian initiatives across the United States and around the world. He is the author of numerous books, including Grace in the Valley and The Sacred...

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