The Power of Christian Contentment
Finding Deeper, Richer Christ-Centered Joy

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"If there was ever a time a distracted and exhausted church needed this message, it is today."--J. D. Greear, pastor, The Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, NC; president, Southern Baptist Convention
In 1643, Puritan pastor Jeremiah Burroughs wrote a work titled The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment that has as much resonance in our discontented day as it did in his. Now pastor and author Andrew M. Davis helps us rediscover the remarkable truths found in this largely forgotten work. With powerful new illustrations and a keen sense of all that makes modern Christians restless, Davis challenges us to confront the sources of discontent in our lives and embrace Paul's teaching on contentment in all circumstances.
"While the world, including many Christians, chases the siren song of happiness and fulfillment in culture, Andrew Davis reminds us what the apostle Paul taught us: true contentment can only be found in Christ. This book is powerful. It is needed. And it is so biblically relevant in a world that desperately needs this message."--Thom Rainer, president and CEO, Church Answers; author of I Am a Church Member, Autopsy of a Deceased Church, and Simple Church
"In a world characterized by so much discontent, some of it serious and some of it laughably trivial, the virtue of contentment is a rare treasure. This is a book to savor and reread, and then pass on to others."--D. A. Carson, research professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
"Let this book guide you to a deeper faith in the gospel and a richer experience of contentment and hope in God's providence."--R. Albert Mohler Jr., president, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Andrew M. Davis is pastor of First Baptist Church of Durham, North Carolina, and a visiting professor of church history at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Chairman of the governance committee of The Gospel Coalition, Davis has written articles for TGC's popular website and has spoken in plenary and breakout sessions at TGC's national conference. He is the author of Revitalize and An Infinite Journey, named by Tim Challies as one of the top ten books of 2014.
"Andy Davis meditations on Scripture are always a gift to the church. This new book is no exception. Davis unpacks Scripture's teaching on contentment in a way that is pastoral and theologically faithful. Let this book guide you to a deeper faith in the gospel and a richer experience of contentment and hope in God's providence."
R. Albert Mohler Jr., president, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"While the world, including many Christians, chases the siren song of happiness and fulfillment in culture, Andrew Davis reminds us what the apostle Paul taught us: true contentment can only be found in Christ. This book is powerful. It is needed. And it is so biblically relevant in a world that desperately needs this message."
Thom Rainer, president and CEO, Church Answers; author of I Am a Church Member, Autopsy of a Deceased Church, and Simple Church
"In the 1640s, Jeremiah Burroughs wrote an extraordinarily influential book titled The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment. Andrew Davis has written his own book--this is not a mere update of a Christian classic--but its theme and stance are similar. In a world characterized by so much discontent, some of it serious and some of it laughably trivial, the virtue of contentment is a rare treasure. Contentment in Christian perspective must never be confused with mere stoicism, proud self-denial, determined self-sufficiency, or condescending aloofness. Rather, it is the product of knowing Christ so well, and trusting him so fully, that the vicissitudes of life, no matter how dire, cannot hold a candle to the joy of steadfastly trusting our heavenly Father. This is a book to savor and reread, and then pass on to others."
D. A. Carson, research professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
"Andy Davis's meditations on Scripture are always a gift to the church. This new book is no exception. Davis unpacks Scripture's teaching on contentment in a way that is pastoral and theologically faithful. Let this book guide you to a deeper faith in the gospel and a richer experience of contentment and hope in God's providence."
R. Albert Mohler Jr., president, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"Years ago I was profoundly impacted in reading Jeremiah Burroughs's The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment. It felt like I was being discipled in a major dimension of the Christian life I had barely heard about by a Christian from another generation. Burroughs is truly among the best of the Puritan writers. I was even more excited when I saw that Andy, a thoughtful pastor, profound thinker, and great communicator, had taken up the task of reexpressing this essential and powerful Christian truth for a contemporary audience. If there was ever a time a distracted and exhausted church needed this message, it is today. Burroughs's book became a classic for a reason. I think Andy's book will become a classic for the same."
J. D. Greear, pastor, The Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, NC; president, Southern Baptist Convention
"I had never heard of the Puritan pastor Jeremiah Burroughs or his work The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment until I was asked to read this book by Andy Davis. That was my loss. Drawing upon this superb treatise and Scripture--in particular, the apostle Paul--pastor Davis leads us on a fruitful journey into the delights and blessings of finding true contentment in Christ. There is joy immeasurable to be found in Christ, and this book will help you find it."
Daniel L. Akin, president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
"Andy has put his finger squarely on one of the biggest issues society faces today: we live in an age of discontent. I'm not talking about impatience or shrinking attention spans. There is a deeper, underlying ache in growing numbers of people that speaks to dissatisfaction and a resignation that life is not what it should be and that more is never enough. This problem plagues Christians and non-Christians alike, but for the believer, things can and should be different. Andy unlocks the keys to Christ-centered contentment and how we can align our desires with God's. Every believer will benefit from studying the principles and practices shared here."
Kevin Ezell, president, North American Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention
"I recommend everything Andy Davis has written. He is one of the godliest men I know. He not only believes what he writes; he also lives it. Both biblical teaching and personal experience flow from every page of this helpful, insightful, convicting, encouraging, and edifying book. I enthusiastically recommend it to everyone reading these words. It will deepen your relationship with Christ, increase your faith in a good and sovereign God, sweeten your sorrows, and put fresh resolve in your steps toward heaven. That's quite a claim, but I'm sure of it. You'll seldom read a more timely book than this one."
Donald S. Whitney, professor of biblical spirituality and associate dean, School of Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; author of Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Praying the Bible
"Sooner or later everyone asks, Is there anything more to life? In this book, pastor Andrew Davis shows why. In vivid narrative and clear teaching, this book shows us the roots of our chronic discontent, no matter what we have or don't have, and then points us to the solution. If you think this book is a 'stop whining and be grateful' scold, you are quite wrong. Instead, this book shows us how to find contentment and, with it, something beyond contentment, joy. If you, like me, wrestle with discontent, then you will be glad you found this book."
Russell Moore, president, The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
"A gifted teacher explains, illustrates, and applies. Andy Davis is an incredibly gifted teacher who has given the church a 'jewel' with this book. Davis's treatment of contentment has challenged and encouraged my soul. It will yours as well."
Timothy K. Beougher, Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth and associate dean, Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary