The New Testament
A Historical and Theological Introduction
31. Colossians and Philemon
Questions for Review
- Why are Colossians and Philemon almost always linked together?
- What information do we know about Epaphras?
- If both letters were penned by Paul, when were they likely written? If Colossians is pseudonymous, when might it have been written?
- Briefly discuss the relationship between Colossians and Ephesians.
- What is the “Colossian heresy” and why is it important?
- What is “mirror reading”?
- Discuss the significance of the christological hymn found in Colossians chapter 1, paying special attention to its function within the letter and its background.
- What might be the origin of the household code found in Colossians 3:18–4:1?
- Who are the main characters in Philemon? What is Onesimus’s situation?
- Briefly explain Paul’s request as presented in Philemon.