The New Testament
A Historical and Theological Introduction
3. The World of the New Testament
Questions for Review
- What is the Babylonian exile and why is it important for understanding the NT?
- What sort of impact did Greek becoming the lingua franca have on the milieu in which the NT formed?
- Who was Antiochus IV and why is he important to more fully understand the background of the NT?
- Give a brief account of the Maccabean revolt through the end of the Hasmonean period.
- What seems to be the general feeling of the Jewish people toward Roman rule and why is this important to understanding the NT?
- Who were the Pharisees and how can they be characterized? The Sadducees? The Essenes? The Zealots?
- Who were the scribes, what did they do, and why are they important with regard to the NT?
- Why are the Dead Sea Scrolls so significant with regard to the NT?
- Describe the Mishnah and briefly relate its history.
- What was Gnosticism and why is it significant with regard to the NT?