The New Testament
A Historical and Theological Introduction
2. The Old Testament as Promise and Preparation
Questions for Review
- What does the word “Tanak” mean?
- Describe the Abrahamic covenant, with special attention to its promises.
- How are the Sinaitic and Davidic covenants similar to and different from the Abrahamic covenant?
- How are the Sinaitic and Davidic covenants similar to and different from one another?
- How do the prophets appear to pave the way for the NT?
- How does the emergence of the apocalyptic help set the stage for the NT?
- What is meant by the phrase “christological hermeneutic of fulfillment” with regard to the interpretation of the NT?
- What does the phrase “sensus plenior” mean and how does it apply to understanding the NT?
- What kinds of principles might help guide the reader of the NT to use sensus plenior responsibly?
- Why is “supersession” the wrong sort of language to use when discussing the relationship between the OT and NT?