The New Testament
A Historical and Theological Introduction
Materials available for professors by request only
4. The Gospels as Historical and Theological Documents
Questions for Research and Discussion
- There are four portraits of Jesus presented by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Explain why this is a not a bad thing but is, in fact, a boon for the readers of the NT.
- How does the freedom with which the writers of the Gospels wrote their narratives of Jesus affect the way you understand the Gospels?
- Why is it unfair to judge the Gospels in light of modern historiography? How might we judge them instead?
- How would you go about discussing the discrepancies between the Gospels with a skeptic? Where would you begin? How would you proceed?
- How does the way you see the historicity of the Gospels change knowing that each author wrote and organized material based on his own purposes?