The Measure of a Man, Revised Edition
Twenty Attributes of a Godly Man

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True masculinity is not measured by strength, wealth, or position, but by twenty biblical qualities drawn from the Apostle Paul's letters to his young protégés Timothy and Titus. Inspiring, encouraging, and practical, this classic book shows how you can measure up to Christ's fullness as a husband, father, and mentor to other men.
The Measure of a Man has taught hundreds of thousands of men around the world how to live according to God's direction--faithfully, lovingly, and spiritually. Get ready for it to change your life as well.
This updated edition includes dozens of QR codes and links to take you to online videos as the author guides you through this life-changing study.
"My friend and mentor, Dr. Gene Getz, has laid a foundation for biblical manhood that any male can use to build the superstructure of a solid life."--Tony Evans, president, The Urban Alternative; senior pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship
"It strikes me that it would take either a colossal ego or deep humility to write a book subtitled 'Twenty Attributes of a Godly Man.' For nearly fifty years, Gene Getz has been my respected mentor, stellar example, treasured colleague, and beloved friend. Humility has always been his hallmark."--Jerry B. Jenkins, novelist and biographer; founder, The Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild
"Occasionally a book stands out among the mass of published literature as a 'must-read' and, in fact, a book that you know you will want to read again. Such is the case with The Measure of a Man."--Joseph M. Stowell, president, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Gene A. Getz is pastor emeritus at Chase Oaks Church in Plano, Texas, and director of the Center for Church Renewal. He is the author of more than sixty books and has taught at Moody Bible Institute and Dallas Theological Seminary. Gene launched the Fellowship Bible Church movement in 1972. He is the author/editor of the Life Essentials Study Bible and airs a two-minute daily "Principle to Live By" on numerous radio stations. Gene has been married to his wife, Elaine, for over sixty years.
"In The Measure of a Man my friend and mentor, Dr. Gene Getz, has laid a foundation for biblical manhood that any male can use to build the superstructure of a solid life. It is past time for men to aspire to God's definition of who we are to be rather then the flawed definitions of our contemporary culture. This book will enable you to do just that."
Tony Evans, president, The Urban Alternative; senior pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship
"Before God makes the ministry, He measures and makes the man. Gene Getz has been God's tool for making many a man during this generation. His book has shaped me professionally and his friendship has marked me personally. I am so happy to see this classic book in a new, impactful edition."
Dr. James MacDonald, senior pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel; author, Act Like Men and Vertical Church
"It strikes me that it would take either a colossal ego or deep humility to write a book subtitled 'Twenty Attributes of a Godly Man.' For nearly fifty years, Gene Getz has been my respected mentor, stellar example, treasured colleague, and beloved friend. Humility has always been his hallmark."
Jerry B. Jenkins, novelist and biographer, The Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild
"The Measure of a Man is a great reference work for any man seeking the definition of biblical masculinity. It has helped me in my faith journey and I have passed it along to my son and other young men to help guide them in theirs."
Chad Hennings, 3-time Super Bowl Champion; founder, Wingmen Ministries
"I have read and used the book The Measure of a Man to help train many church leaders...the book truly transcends culture. I'm excited with this new edition, for it has made the reading and study of it easier for churches, groups, and individuals....This book, as I know, has been very effective in helping men to become spiritual leaders at home and in the church; for this reason it has never gone out of print. It has been translated into many languages, including Hausa here in Nigeria, to motivate men to live a more Christlike life. I therefore highly recommend this book to every man, father, and husband; fellowship groups; and Christian organizations, for it will not only change your life but that of your church and organization."
Dr. Musa Asake, National General Secretary, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Abuja, Nigeria
"Occasionally a book stands out among the mass of published literature as a 'must read' and, in fact, a book that you know you will want to read again. Such is the case with The Measure of a Man. This book has had a global, transformational impact over the last few decades, and thankfully my friend Gene Getz has revisited the text and brought it up to speed for a new generation. If somehow you missed this book before, now is the time to pick it up and open your heart and mind to its powerfully relevant message."
Joseph M. Stowell, president, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, Michigan
"In our cultural penchant for quick results, quantitative metrics trump qualitative measures for longer-term growth toward spiritual health. The Measure of a Man explores key indices of an applied spiritual process, stimulating self-examination, then self-management, as men serve as leaders of families, businesses, and ministries. As always, Gene Getz addresses biblical claims which transcend culture, age, economics, and race, with pastoral care. Since he himself has lived out the spiritual process over the decades, his practical depth is credibly presented to all men who wish to live in a godly way in an ungodly age which disparages, and even degrades, their gender."
Ramesh Richard, ThD, PhD, president, Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health; professor, Global Theological Engagement and Pastoral Ministries, Dallas Theological Seminary
"As a young coach and husband, my marriage ended in divorce. That's when a Christian friend and mentor recommended The Measure of a Man. These principles changed my life. I remarried my wife and have been happily married for 47 years. It also allowed me to model character to my coaches and players for 30 years. When I became a head coach and later an administrator, these same principles guided my hiring and evaluations."
Coach Tommy Cox, Texas High School Coaches Association
"I was first exposed to The Measure of a Man as a Bible college student. I was saved out of a non-Christian family and reading this book transformed my life. Today--years later--I'm using it to equip the men in my church with the same life-changing results."
Edward M. Trinkle, lead pastor, Canyon Creek Church