The Healing Touch
A Guide to Healing Prayer for Yourself and Those You Love
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781585586189
- Pub. Date
- Mar 2002
- $20.00
Are you or someone you love hurting physically, emotionally or spiritually?
In The Healing Touch, Norma Dearing tells how we can be set free from the harmful effects of the past. Rejection, abandonment, emotional trauma, generational bondage, unholy unions and dabbling in the occult can each interfere with our healing. In this book you'll find prayers for deliverance, practical advice from Dearing's years in counseling and prayer ministries, and examples of people who have received healing. The Healing Touch is a powerful reminder that God longs for His people to be healthy and whole.
"Norma Dearing's book is a welcome addition to the growing library of resources for the ministry of Christian healing. Her insights into the best avenues of prayer provide trustworthy instruction for virtually all aspects of prayer for healing. Most valuable, however, is the down-to-earth guidance given at each step along the way. The whole is 'tried and true'--tested by experience and fortified by first-person accounts by those who have been healed. This is a book to be read and then kept at hand to be used over and over." -Donald E. Baustian, North American Warden, The International Order of Saint Luke the Physician
"The Healing Touch presents an insightful and balanced approach to Christian healing prayer. The simple explanations and helpful illustrations make this a valuable resource for all who seek physical, spiritual and emotional wholeness." -Barbara Shlemon Ryan, R.N., president, Be-Loved Ministry
"The Healing Touch is more than a historical account or how-to manual. It's a theological and practical guide to Christians for their personal spiritual health. To read, mark and inwardly digest this book is to experience God's healing touch." -The Rev. Canon Charles B. Fulton Jr., president, Acts 29 Ministries
"The Healing Touch is a refreshing addition to the materials available on healing. Norma underscores the importance of healing our relationship with God, and she places in our hands practical tools for healing prayer. I highly recommend this book as a balanced, hands-on guide. It is scriptural, practical and personal." -Michael D. Evans, founder/director, Wholeness Ministries
"My friend Norma Dearing has written an important book that is informative and biblical, sometimes humorous, other times practical, but always honest. Through its solid teaching, scriptural insights, warm testimonials and expert advice, you'll find resolutions for your questions and qualms about God's perspective on healing. The Healing Touch should be in the library of every pastor, priest and counselor. And in yours, too." --Sandra Simpson LeSourd, author, The Compulsive Woman