The Daily Discipler

Daily Readings That Will Give You A Solid Foundation in the Christian Faith

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The Daily Discipler provides daily discipling and mentoring from trusted author Neil Anderson. You will find fifty-two weeks of practical Christian theology that can be digested in only five minutes a day, five days a week. Divided into four quarters, this vital resource shows readers what it means to have a Christian worldview, who they are in Christ, and how to find freedom through their Christian identity. This is the beginning of an adventure that will not only teach readers the fundamentals of their faith but will also lead them into a closer walk with God.

The Author

  1. Neil T. Anderson

    Neil T. Anderson

    Dr. Neil T. Anderson is the founder and president emeritus of Freedom in Christ Ministries, which has offices and representatives in 40 countries. Dr. Anderson has authored more than 70 books on Christ-centered living, including Victory Over the...

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