The Church on Mission
A Biblical Vision for Transformation among All People
Materials available for professors by request only
5. Transformation for All Peoples
Study Guide
Scripture reading: Revelation 5:1–10
After reading this chapter, consider the following:
- What new insights did you gain?
- Were there points with which you especially agreed or disagreed?
- What issues were raised that you would like to explore further or clarify?
This chapter describes two dimensions of multiplying transformational churches among all people: reaching all people and embracing all people.
Reaching All People
Jesus calls us to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19–20), both locally and in the farthest corners of the world (Acts 1:8).
- How would you describe your church’s commitment to sending missionaries and supporting efforts to make disciples among all people, especially among those who have not heard the gospel?
- What ethnic groups or subcultures live in your community who need to be reached with the gospel?
- What barriers might be holding your church back from reaching out to local ethnic groups or unreached segments of the population?
- How can the vision and commitment to reach all people be strengthened in your church?
Embracing All People
Ephesians 2:11–22 describes the remarkable work of Christ: breaking down barriers and reconciling estranged or even hostile people, creating one new humanity.
- What are some of the deep divisions between groups of people in our society?
- How can these groups be reconciled through Christ?
- How might churches become peacemakers (Matt. 5:9)?
- How does the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:28–40) influence your attitude toward the marginalized of society?
- To what extent would you say that your church is welcoming to people of different backgrounds (educational, racial, ethnic, or class)? What attitudes may need to be overcome?
- How important is it for the membership of a church to reflect the social and ethnic diversity of its community? Does your church reflect such diversity?
- What personal fears or prejudices might you have that make you reluctant to reach out to or welcome people different from you? How might these be overcome?
Describe how God is glorified when all kinds of people are reached with the gospel and embraced and represented in the church.