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The Church in an Age of Crisis

25 New Realities Facing Christianity

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It's time for a reality check.

Though many of the signs of the times are disturbing to those of us in the church, we ignore them at our great peril. Changes in belief, culture, marriage and family, media and technology, and mission affect us not only as individuals but also as a body of believers.

Functioning as both a telescope and a microscope, this hard-hitting examination of the future of the church looks into the vastness of the world and into the minute recesses of our hearts. James Emery White calls on us to sharpen our spiritual drive and determination in order to meet the challenges of our day--and the future. He calls us to look beyond the daily conflicts in order to see the much larger battle in which we are engaged, so that we might play our vital role in preserving and growing Christ's church in the coming age.



"James White says The Church in an Age of Crisis is intended to be 'a whirlwind tour of our day that is meant to introduce and provoke.' The author has succeeded. This book is hard-hitting as well as carefully researched. It is also extremely relevant for our day. In twenty-five short and concise chapters, White scans the landscape of the postmodern world we now live in, especially in America and Western culture. This book will serve the church well."--Daniel L. Akin, president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC

"The Church in an Age of Crisis is more than a survey of the cultural landscape of contemporary America. It is a call to bring Christian values to bear in the marketplace of ideas. With prophetic insight, James Emery White directs the church to be true to its calling--to be salt and light in a dying world."--Alec Hill, president, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA

"This book is a wake-up call for those who really care about America and how lost so many are today. There's enough analysis of the spiritual confusion of our time to break your heart. The popular song from twenty years ago, 'Losing My Religion,' sums up where so many of our fellow citizens are. But The Church in an Age of Crisis provides positive answers on how the grace of God in Christ can break through even the stoniest of hearts."--Jerry Newcombe, Truth in Action Ministries

"White has given believers a most valuable gift here. The church indeed finds itself at the dawn of the seventh age, a time very similar to what Paul experienced at the Areopagus. He knew what message was needed. White gives sage insight and direction in wisely engaging this age with the wisdom of Paul as well as the discernment of the honorable sons of Issachar. This book is essential for those who desire to bring the truth, love, and light of Christ to our challenging present age."--Glenn T. Stanton, director, Global Family Formation Studies and Ministry Strategy Development, Focus on the Family

The Author

  1. James Emery White

    James Emery White

    James Emery White, PhD, is the founding and senior pastor of Mecklenburg Community Church, a suburban megachurch in Charlotte, North Carolina, often cited as one of the fastest-growing church starts in the United States. Former president of Gordon-Conwell...

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