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The Bondage and Liberation of the Will

A Defence of the Orthodox Doctrine of Human Choice against Pighius

series: Texts and Studies in Reformation and Post-Reformation Thought

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"Lane and Davies have provided students of Calvin with an exceedingly useful tool for studying the Reformer's views on the human will and his polemical and theological methodology."--Raymond A. Blacketer, Calvin Theological Journal

This volume provides Calvin's fullest treatment of the relationship between the grace of God and the free will of humans. It offers insight into Calvin's interpretations of the church fathers, especially Augustine, on the topics of grace and free will and contains Calvin's answer to Pighius's objection that preaching is unnecessary if salvation is by grace alone. An extensive historical introduction notes the value of this treatise. This important work, edited by renowned scholar A. N. S. Lane, contains material not found elsewhere in Calvin's writings and will be required reading for students of Calvin and the Protestant Reformation.

The Author

  1. John Calvin

    John Calvin

    Benjamin Wirt Farley is Younts Professor Emeritus of Bible, Religion, and Philosophy at Erskine College. He is the translator of John Calvin's Sermons on the Ten Commandments.

    Continue reading about John Calvin


"This first English translation of an important work of John Calvin is a welcome supplement to his teachings in his Institutes."--E. Earle Ellis, Southwestern Journal of Theology