The Art of Friendship
Creating and Keeping Relationships that Matter
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781493422616
- Pub. Date
- Jan 2020
- $18.00
You Were Made for Meaningful Relationships
In this age of limitless digital connections, we are somehow lonelier than ever. This isn't just sad--it's dangerous. Loneliness puts us at greater health risk than smoking or obesity, but we would sooner label ourselves overweight than admit we are lonely. It's a secret that's killing us.
Contrary to all our efforts, the answer isn't found in more connections, but deeper ones that mirror God himself as the original Friend. With step-by-step guidance, The Art of Friendship will help you fulfill your divine calling to have lasting, meaningful relationships. It is an art you can learn that will lead to the deep friendships you crave. And through insights from God's Word, as you come to understand the depth and width and breadth of God as Friend, you will discover how life-changing and life-giving friendship can be.
Kim Wier is an author, speaker, humor columnist, and radio talk show host on the country's #1 Christian radio station, KSBJ Houston. She is also a Bible teacher and women's ministry director. Bringing her own perspective as a wife, mother, and professional, Kim has been sharing the experience of walking in faith with other women for 20 years. She lives in East Texas with her husband. Follow Kim at