The True Story of a Sex Trafficking Survivor

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There is hope, even on the darkest of days
Katariina Rosenblatt was a lonely and abused young girl, yearning to be loved, wanting attention. That made her the perfect target. On an ordinary day, she met a confident young woman--someone Kat wished she could be like--who pretended to be a friend while slowly luring her into a child trafficking ring. A cycle of false friendships, threats, drugs, and violence kept her trapped.
As Kat shares her harrowing experiences, her ultimate escape, and her passionate efforts to now free other victims, you'll see that not only is sex trafficking happening frighteningly close to home--it's also something that can be stopped. Stolen is a warning, a celebration of survival, and a beacon of hope that will inspire you.
Katariina Rosenblatt, LLM, PhD, is living proof of the promise she heard long ago at a Billy Graham crusade that God would never forsake her. Katariina has a PhD in conflict analysis and resolution and an LLM graduate law degree in intercultural human rights, and she works closely with law enforcement agencies such as the FBI and Homeland Security to eliminate human slavery. She also founded There Is Hope For Me, Inc. (, a nonprofit organization dedicated to freeing other victims of human trafficking. She lives in Texas.
Cecil Murphey has written or coauthored more than 130 books, including the bestselling 90 Minutes in Heaven with Don Piper and the autobiography of Franklin Graham, Rebel with a Cause. He was a collaborator on the bestseller Gifted Hands with Dr. Ben Carson. Cecil resides in Georgia.
"Katariina Rosenblatt is one of a multitude of children who have been and are being trafficked in our backyards every day. Her story is compelling and difficult to put down and at times may seem unbelievable, but the heinous things she endured are typical of the atrocity of trafficking that happens even in our country. Katariina's story is riveting, her healing is miraculous, and her courage to grasp her own recovery and help others is indescribable. Her faith is evident and elicits faith in the reader about God's love and commitment to us, even when we are not on the 'right' path. She is a living testimony of the love of God. I highly recommend Stolen. Katariina's story is a shining example of one who has come out of darkness and steps into that darkness to rescue others and bring them light and love."
Nita Belles, author of In Our Backyard; founder and director of In Our Backyard 365; Central Oregon regional director of Oregonians against Trafficking Humans
"Rosenblatt invites us to join her in a harrowing journey as a vulnerable and abused child who was intentionally groomed and then sexually exploited. Her book is a disturbing portrayal of the situations that put our children at risk and enable traffickers to exploit their vulnerability. Katariina escaped a life of abuse and has gone on to complete graduate training in law, receive a PhD, and found a faith-based organization to assist young women who are trapped in a world she experienced firsthand. She now dedicates her life to intervention, advocacy, and serving those at risk of exploitation. Her book offers hope and concrete guidance for action. Katariina's life story challenges us to deeper vigilance, prayer, compassion, and courage on behalf of children and other vulnerable people in our society."
Bill Prevette, PhD, research professor at Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, Ky Prevette, spiritual director, OCMS
"In Stolen, Kat clearly articulates details about something that most of us find hard to conceive. She shines light, both through her words and her faith, upon an industry that thrives in darkness. I would recommend this book to all parents no matter how secure they are in the belief that their children are immune to this crime. As frightening as it is to admit, they're not immune at all. And aside from helping readers understand better ways to protect their own children, Stolen can open discussions about opportunities for cleansing our communities of this corrosive industry. I would also recommend this book for teenagers because parents can't always be there to protect their children. Being able to learn from Kat's mistakes and identify the techniques of traffickers should help children steer clear of danger. It's a very important read."
Robert J. Benz, founder and executive vice president, Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives
"Katariina Rosenblatt recounts her childhood story of suffering what no human being should ever be exposed to. It takes great courage to embrace the pain after so many years and to use it toward healing domestic minor sex trafficking survivors as well as toward raising awareness about this horrendous problem in our communities."
Dr. Roza Pati, professor of law and executive director, graduate program in intercultural human rights, St. Thomas University School of Law; director, Human Trafficking Academy; member, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, The Vatican