Smart Organizing
Simple Strategies for Bringing Order to Your Home
- Format
- E-Book
- 9781441233271
- Pub. Date
- Jan 2005
- $12.99
Has clutter got you down? Has housekeeping become and endless and impossible chore? Are you looking for some solutions that will work for you?
For most of us, organizing one's home and family is something that is always on the to-do list but never gets scratched off. If this is you, the Organizer Lady can help. In this new book from trusted organizing expert Sandra Felton, you'll discover the key to turning your house into a clutter-free home in no time at all.
Smart Organizing is full of chore charts, commonsense tips from women like you, helpful websites, books, and other resources. At the heart of the book, Felton offers a fool-proof three-point plan for keeping your house in its prime. She shows you how to identify and maintain the most important 20 percent of household tasks so that your house will never be a mess again.
Yes, it's really that simple. If you're ready to move forward one closet at a time, Smart Organizing is the book for you!