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series: Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament

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The Spirit who inspired the authors of the New Testament is at work today around the globe, as evidenced by the explosive growth of pentecostal, charismatic, and renewalist movements; the number of adherents is now estimated at more than half a billion. There is a clear need for a balanced, affordable, and accessible commentary series aimed at Christians who identify as Spirit-filled.

The Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament series emphasizes how we listen alongside ancient audiences for the Spirit's voice in our time and contexts. Commentaries are written by pastorally sensitive biblical scholars from the Spirit-filled tradition. Series editors are Holly Beers, Westmont College, and Craig S. Keener, Asbury Theological Seminary.

In Romans, pastor, scholar, and speaker Sam Storms demonstrates the inseparable bond between Word and Spirit, awakening the pentecostal-charismatic world to the functional authority of the Bible and the evangelical world to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Images, illustrations, and sidebars on Pentecostal/charismatic/revival history or insights are included.


"Pastor-theologian Sam Storms offers a clear, insightful, accessible commentary on Romans to laypeople and students who desire to study God's Word from a Spirit-centered approach. This verse-by-verse commentary will equip Christians to recognize and praise God for his glorious work in Jesus Christ, which brings about our salvation."

Karin Spiecker Stetina, Talbot School of Theology

"All who know Sam Storms will immediately recognize the appropriateness of him writing this commentary on Romans as part of the Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament. Like Paul's letter itself, which features the Word of God and the Spirit of God, Sam himself and his decades-long ministry emphasize both Scripture and the Holy Spirit as together needed for loving God, experiencing salvation, growing into the fullness of Christ, and serving in the church. A must read!"

Gregg R. Allison, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Praise for the Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament Series

"Whereas existing pentecostal commentary series have been addressed to the growing pentecostal readership, volumes in the Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament series bring pentecostal-charismatic perspectives to wider evangelical and ecumenical audiences, both ecclesial and academic. Each installment gets us one step closer to appreciating how every New Testament document was written not only after Easter but also after Pentecost, and the cumulative witness to the Word and the Spirit will enable deeper awareness of the fundamentally trinitarian character of Christian faith."

Amos Yong, professor of theology and mission, Fuller Theological Seminary

"There is nothing else like the Word and Spirit Commentary on the New Testament, and this series fills a major void! It features top scholars who not only exegete the text with precision but also share personal spiritual insights along the way, bringing together the best of both worlds."

Michael L. Brown, founder and president, FIRE School of Ministry; host of the Line of Fire radio broadcast

The Author

  1. Sam Storms

    Sam Storms

    Sam Storms (PhD, University of Texas at Dallas) is an acclaimed theologian and apologist, the founder of Enjoying God Ministries, and the founder and executive director of Convergence Church Network. He's the author of numerous books and articles, and he...

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