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A father trapped in a terrible underwater accident. A son desperate to do something--anything--to save him. A digital read-out ticking down toward certain death--and a fate more horrible still...

For Alan Rockaway, his teenaged son Jeff, and Alan's new bride, Jenny, it's been little more than a fascinating tourist submarine excursion, a leisurely end to a weeklong church-couples' cruise. Then the horrifying crash and the plunge toward the unknown....

Everything Alan has assumed about himself, about what awaits him in the future, is flipped upside down.

In the ultimate rescue operation, life or death is just the beginning!

The Authors

  1. John Bevere

    John Bevere

    John Bevere, who has a doctorate in ministry, is passionate about seeing individuals deepen their intimacy with God and capture an eternal perspective. An international best-selling author, his award-winning books and teaching materials are available at the...

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  2. Mark Andrew Olsen

    Mark Andrew Olsen

    Mark Andrew Olsen, whose novel The Assignment was a Christy Award finalist, also collaborated with Tommy Tenney on bestsellers Hadassah and The Hadassah Covenant. The son of missionaries to France, Mark is a graduate of Baylor University....

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