Pursuing God's Presence
A Practical Guide to Daily Renewal and Joy

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How a Presence-Centered Life Changes Everything
Balancing Scripture and Spirit, pastor and professor Roger Helland shows pursuing God's presence isn't about seeking signs and wonders--it's about seeking God's kavod: His radiant glory, His manifest presence. Sorting through common fears and misunderstandings about God's presence, Helland offers biblical and practical teaching, to help you
· pursue God's presence and holiness in everyday life,
· live a presence-centered life at work, home and church,
· enjoy a deeper biblical fullness of the Holy Spirit and
· experience God's supernatural strength, vitality, renewal and joy.
God's kavod changes everything. When you learn to seek, experience and host His presence, it will transform you--and the world.
"Drink from the deep well of wisdom and grace as you read the pages of this book. . . . It will nourish the imaginations of the weary and saint alike."--TARA BETH LEACH, pastor, author
"Will have every reader venturing into the depths of God with fresh wonder and joy. Highly recommend."--DANIEL GROTHE, associate senior pastor, New Life Church
"Thoroughly grounded in Scripture, orthodox to the core and God breathed."--RT. REV. DR. TREVOR H. WALTERS, bishop, Anglican Network in Canada; mediator/retreat leader, Anglican Church in North America
"Drink from the deep well of wisdom and grace as you read the pages of this book! Roger Helland pastorally offers a robust biblical vision for seeking, experiencing and hosting the presence of God. Helland's call for a presence-centered life will nourish the imaginations of the weary and saint alike. This book will soon be a classic."
Tara Beth Leach, pastor; author, Emboldened
"This is a wonderful book springing from Roger Helland's many years of experience as a professor, pastor and prayer leader. It is a joyful, doable message that will revitalize your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and your effectiveness for His glory in the world."
Pete Greig, founder, 24-7 Prayer International
"Books of this depth and insight can only be written well by those who have experienced the truths of which they write firsthand, and who continue to live them out on a daily basis. This book is a real and practical guide in how to experience God's presence day by day and be renewed and impassioned for His service."
Sean P. Campbell, D.D., senior advisor, Samaritan's Purse, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
"Pursuing God's Presence reminds us that our invitation is to experience the transforming presence of God. Providing glimpses into his own struggles and experiences, Roger Helland offers hope that we might flourish in the wonders of God's weightiness and participate more fully in all the dimensions of God's glorious kingdom."
Marilyn Draper, assistant professor of practical theology, Tyndale Seminary of Tyndale University
"In a world of cheap platitudes and duct tape solutions, Pursuing God's Presence re-centers us on what ultimately satisfies--the presence of the Holy One. Pursuing God's Presence is masterfully written from a place of deep encounter and a life of practice and pursuit."
Daniel Grothe, associate senior pastor, New Life Church
"Pursuing God's Presence is a masterpiece. Biblically accurate, theologically sound and spiritually alive, it is delightful to read and full of fire and adventure. Roger Helland is a fire starter, a modern-day apostolic prophet. Every leader needs a leader, and he is one of mine."
Fred A. Hartley III, lead pastor, One Mission Church; president, College of Prayer
"In a world languishing in alienation, the false image of God as distant and silent only deepens our despondency. Roger Helland proclaims the good news of God's kingdom is presence, connection and communion with a living person who is present and accessible. Roger kindly reminds us that presence-centered faith is the only way forward for the followers of Jesus."
Bradley Jersak, dean of theology and culture, St. Stephen's University
"It is a rare gift to discover a voice that rings with the clarity and sanity of one who not only has academic chops and a gifting to communicate, but is a practitioner. This book cuts through all the chatter with its wisdom--wisdom that can only come from one who has lived what he is espousing."
David Ruis, national director, Association of Vineyard Churches Canada
"Join me in digesting this plateful of nourishing spiritual food from Roger Helland. A guide to pursuing God's presence that can permeate our entire being as Holy Spirit-led Christ followers. This guide teaches us how to pursue God's presence through prayer, awareness, surrender and obedience by Scripture-informed faith."
Rev. Dr. Henry Schorr, senior pastor, Centre Street Church
"Roger Helland illustrates how the Spirit moves us into new zones of life and ministry as we recognize the 'nudges' from above. Let's allow his inspiring accounts to replace an oft cynical view of inner tugs and help us accept that our lives greatly matter to Him. A book to read slowly, with reflection."
Brian Stiller, global ambassador, the World Evangelical Alliance
"Roger's powerful book will aid you in your pursuit of God. Roger is extremely well-read, acquainted with Pietists both old and new. Pursuing God's Presence is thoroughly grounded in Scripture, orthodox to the core and God breathed."
Rt. Rev. Dr. Trevor H. Walters, bishop, Anglican Network in Canada; mediator/retreat leader, Anglican Church in North America
"Roger Helland paints a compelling picture of a spiritual life focused not on external practices but on presence of God--a relationship based on 24/7 connection with the Most High. Rooted in his own experience, Helland provides practical steps for readers to move toward this relationship. If you are ready for something more, something deeper, I commend Pursuing God's Presence."
Angie Ward, Ph.D., assistant director, Doctor of Ministry Program,
"Roger Helland provides in a systematic and highly personal manner a picture of what experiencing the presence of God in every dimension of life involves. The combination of instruction, example and passion he provides created a refreshed hunger for a 24/7 experience of God's presence in every aspect of my life."
Rev. David R. Wells, M.A., D.D., general superintendent, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada