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Preaching to a Shifting Culture

12 Perspectives on Communicating that Connects

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The church in America is part of a changing culture and today's preachers must be prepared to engage the unique issues of our postmodern age. To this end, Scott M. Gibson offers Preaching at the Crossroads, a one-of-a-kind collection of the insights of leaders in the fields of worship and preaching. 

Combining the works of such well-known preachers as Haddon Robinson and Bryan Chapell, among others, this collection addresses such vital topics as preaching to a postmodern audience, pluralism, the intersection of preaching and psychology, and biblical preaching in an anti-authority age. As a result, this practical guide to relevant preaching will be readily received by today's preachers, as well as by those who are preparing to preach tomorrow. 


"A stimulating potpourri of evangelical insights for changing times. A spirited group of essays. It's like listening to friends in round-table conversation with each providing good questions to help you interact in an important debate."--Dr. Michael Quick, Charles Koller Professor of Preaching & Communications, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary

"Timely and relevant, this collection of essays thoughtfully explores the issues facing today's preacher and calls today's preacher to thoughtfully face the issues. Its chapters are filled with the wisdom of well known preachers and teachers who practically apply their understanding of biblical preaching through the use of solid and helpful examples. The discussion questions and suggested reading list found at the end of every chapter assist students and pastors to delve deeper into the topic. Scott Gibson's book is a must read for any responsible, biblical preacher and student."--Rev. Patricia Batten, Village Baptist Church, Kennebunkport, Maine

"An excellent resource for preaching an uncompromising message in a compromising world. This book will help the modern preacher proclaim the historic truth."--Rev. Stephen Sebastian, New Ipswich Congregational Church, New Ipswich, New Hampshire

"Scott Gibson has given preachers and their churches a wonderful gift in this fine collection of essays by contemporary scholars and practitioners. Each chapter, though relatively brief, is poignantly related to a topic crucial to informed preaching in the contemporary scene. Strongly evangelical in their theological presuppositions, the contributors have thoroughly researched the subjects they explore and have reflected thoughtfully on a broad range of insights and viewpoints. The result is that the reader is given much more than an initial casual glance might indicate. This volume is sure to nudge preachers who have slipped into a homiletical comfort zone back toward a realization of the singular importance of their task. It also will give them some helpful ideas for honing their communication skills for more effective pulpit ministry."--Donald L. Hamilton, Stephen F. Olford Chair of Biblical Preaching, Columbia Biblical Seminary

"Essential reading for anyone committed to proclaiming the ancient Scriptures in the 21st century. This book issues a mandate for biblically grounded preaching which is not only responsive to a culture adrift in pluralism but to the accompanying changes occurring in our congregations. If you are serious about communicating the gospel, Preaching to a Shifting Culture will engage your thinking and energize you to take your homiletical skills to the next level."--John Tornfelt, Evangelical School of Theology

"As a pastor who preaches almost every Sunday, I recommend Preaching to a Shifting Culture as a 'must-read' volume for preachers. To borrow an analogy from John Steinbeck, this book compels its readers to crawl and tunnel through its thoughts and come up with the book all over their faces! Honestly, this volume intensified my passion to preach Scripture, it clarified for me some critical issues related to preaching, and it triggered some ideas and strategies which I will build into my preaching. You may get as much out of it as you would be attending a preaching conference or seminar."--Steve Mathewson, author of The Art of Preaching Old Testament Narratives

"Preaching to a Shifting Culture, edited by Scott M. Gibson, gives helpful insights on how to CONTEXTUALIZE the Christian gospel in our contemporary culture(s) without altering or minimizing the biblical message. I appreciate the book's balance. It is as much about calling us back to strong biblical preaching as it is about connecting to our culture(s). I recommend the book and will use it as one of the text books."--Dr. Wayne Shaw, dean emeritus, professor of Preaching, Lincoln Christian Seminary

"This book offers a roundtable of wisdom from some of the most reflective teachers of preaching today. It gives timeless insights, but is especially helpful in addressing the greatest challenges that preachers face today in our increasingly urban, multi-cultural world. The book will help preachers view our current cultural context not as a threat but as an invitation to demonstrate the wisdom and power of God's Word."--Ken Shigematsu, senior minister, Tenth Avenue Church, Vancouver British Columbia

The Author

  1. Scott M. Gibson

    Scott M. Gibson

    Scott M. Gibson (DPhil, University of Oxford) is the David E. Garland Chair of Preaching and director of the PhD program in preaching at George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University, in Waco, Texas. He previously served as the Haddon W....

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"Offers fresh reminders to today's communicator. A credible road map for today's evangelical preachers as they travel through the hermeneutical maze of this pluralistic, relativistic, and post-modern Western culture. The book offers helpful tools on sermon preparation and sermon presentation."--Missiology