Prayers Inspired by the Psalms Boxed Set

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These two prayer books will help you rediscover the Psalms--through free-verse prayer renderings of their poems and hymns--as a guide to personal devotion and meditation.

Each book contains seventy-five prayers that will help you quiet your heart before God. Volume 1, drawn from Psalms 1-75, will welcome you into a safe place amid the storms of life. Volume 2, drawn from Psalms 76-150, will help you remember the Lord's daily mercies.

The Authors

  1. Ryan Whitaker Smith
    Brandon Chesbro

    Ryan Whitaker Smith

    Ryan Whitaker Smith is an author and filmmaker from Nashville, Tennessee. His film projects include the romantic drama Surprised by Oxford, the fantasy series The Pendragon Cycle, and a forthcoming adaptation of Louis L'Amour's novel...

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  2. Dan Wilt
    Brandon Chesbro

    Dan Wilt

    Dan Wilt (DMin, Asbury Theological Seminary) is an author, teacher, songwriter, and pastor who speaks internationally on flourishing in union with Christ. He has his own teaching ministry in worship and spiritual formation through and has written...

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