Overcoming Negative Self-Image

series: Victory Over the Darkness Series, The

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Knowing who you are in Christ is your key to victory in life. Do you often wonder what God thinks of you or whether He thinks of you at all? Do you have a negative self-image--a low opinion of yourself and life in general--that you would love to overcome? You can do it! You can turn your life around and never look back. The one and only key is to understand who God wants you to be. That's the heart of Neil Anderson's breakthrough freedom-in-Christ message. Every last one of us--no matter how much we suffer from low self-esteem, insecurity, or abusive behavior--can be free from our pain and problems, experience victory in Jesus, and become an overcomer in life!

The Authors

  1. Neil T. Anderson

    Neil T. Anderson

    Dr. Neil T. Anderson is the founder and president emeritus of Freedom in Christ Ministries, which has offices and representatives in 40 countries. Dr. Anderson has authored more than 70 books on Christ-centered living, including Victory Over the...

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  2. Dave Park

    Dave Park

    DR. DAVE PARK is the president and founder of His Passion Ministries. He has ministered to pastors, youth leaders, parents, and students for more than 20 years and has coauthored 12 bestselling books with Dr. Neil T. Anderson. Their books have been nominated...

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